

  period 4 listeningthe general idea of this period:this period includes listening and writing on page 21;listening on page 55 and listening task on page 58.apparently,the purpose of this period is to train the students’ listening—for information;for comprehension and for language.meanwhile,the students will be trained to express their own opinions after listening.teaching aims:1.help the students to learn about the knowledge of information technology.2.enable the students to get the main ideas of the listening materials.teaching important and difficult points:1.how to get the main idea and information in details.2.express their own opinions after listening.teaching methods:1.task-based learning.2.cooperative learning.teaching aids:1.a tape recorder.2.a multimedia.teaching procedures:step 1 revisioncheck the students’ interviews.get the students to work together with their partners to interview each other.step 2 listening and writing (page 21)task 1 listen to a conversationt:class,as we all know,the 21st century is the century of information and technology.next we will listen to a conversation about different kinds of information technology or it.and as we know,each kind of information technology has its own advantages and disadvantages.so from this conversation we will listen for the advantages and disadvantages of each one.but before listening let’s first look at the pictures on page 21 and the form on page 22 to make sure what you are going to do while listening.ok,let’s begin.the students listen to the conversation for the first time.task 2 discussion and fillingt:you can see there are a tv,a cd-rom,a computer,a radio,a dvd and newspaper here.now try to finish filling in the form with the information you have just got from the conversation.suggested answers:
  type of it
  you can both listen and watch
  you can’t write to friends
  you can find information
  it’s very expensive
  you can listen to english
  you can not watch
  you can get information
  sometimes it is out-of-datet:now,let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of it in small groups and then decide which type of it is best for you to use,according to the form above and explain the reasons.while discussing,remember to use the following expressions:i think that...in my opinion...i believe that...i agree because...i disagree because...i’ve decided that...step 3 listening (page 55)t:now come to the listening on page 55.before you listening,please read the requirements of ex.1.after that,you will find the three robots from the pictures above on page 55 and number them.the possible number:picture 1—no.3 picture 3—no.2 picture 4—no.1t:now please look at these boxes on page 55 before you listen to the tape again,and try to find out the listening points.pay more attention to these points and you may make some notes while listening.three minutes later.t:now try to fill in the boxes with the information from the listening material,and then check your answers with your partners.suggested answers:
  personal robot
  35 cm
  what it looks like
  robot with five arms
  what it can do
  all homework
  50 yuan a day
  bird-like android
  10 cm
  what it looks like
  bird-like android
  what it can do
  sings beautifully
  600 yuan
  lonely android
  2 m
  what it looks like
  large,energetic robot
  what it can do
  climbs mountains;plays guitar;sings karaoke
  telephone number
  room-1234step 4 listening task (page 58)t:now please turn to page 58,and finish the listening task.as we know,computers are used widely and put into androids.please look at the pictures above.there are two androids in it.one works as a maid.the other works in a car factory.they are friends and they were made at the same time.now they are talking about their lives and what it feels like to be android.ok,please listen carefully to their problems and fill in the form.i’ll play the tape twice.after listening.t:try to fill in the forms as quickly as you can,and then we will check the answers in class.suggested answers
  sally and brenda’s problems
  about their jobs
  their programmer decided them
  about changing their jobs
  they are not able to change jobs
  about who decides their future
  their programmer does
  about how they are different from people
  they can not smell,laugh,taste,or eat food
  about how they are the same as people
  they enjoy footballt:from what we have just listened,we know that sally and brenda have some troubles in their lives.they are treated badly.now you are going to make a list of the rights that androids should have so that they will be treated better.you can work with your partners and have discussion.suggested answers:1.they should be able to choose the work they do.2.they should have their own time.3.they should be able to change their jobs.4.they should be able to decide their own future.5.they should be able to taste,smell,feel,etc.step 5 assignmentt:class,i really appreciate your good performance in this listening class.i can see that your listening has greatly improved since you came to the senior school.keep on your good work!ok,we have no time left.i’d like to assign you some homework to do.1.go over the listening and writing on page 21 and get ready for the writing.step 6 the design of the writing on the blackboard
  unit 3 computers
  period 4
  type of it
  you can both listen and watch.
  you can’t write to friends.
  you can find information.
  it’s very expensive.
  you can listen to english.
  you can not watch.
  you can get information.
  sometimes it is out-of-date.
  personal robot
  35 cm
  what it looks like
  robot with five arms
  what it can do
  all homework
  50 yuan a day
  bird-like android
  10 cm
  what it looks like
  bird-like android
  what it can do
  sings beautifully
  600 yuan
  lonely android
  2 m
  what it looks like
  large,energetic robot
  what it can do
  climbs mountains;plays guitar;sings karaoke
  telephone number
  room-1234step 7 record after teaching
