

  unit 1 hello! nice to meet you !
  一. 语言知识:
  1.字母: aa、bb、cc---------nn
  good morning. what is your name? my name is… i’m…
  good morning, class/miss… hello! nice to meet you.
  nice to meet you ,too.
  sit down, please. how are you , mr wang?
  fine ,thank you . i’m fine, too.
  what’s this? it’s ….
  hi! fine, thanks, li lei. and you?
  二. 语言技能:
  writing 、listening、speaking
  三. 学习策略
  四. 文化意识
  1.知道英语中最简单的称呼:(mr ,miss) 问候语和告别语.
  五. 情感态度
  1. 做名字卡片
  目的: 培养学生的观察力
  lesson one
  一、 teaching aims and demands:
  1、 language points:
  grasp: aa bb cc dd ee ff gg
  good morning . what’s your name? my name is ___ .i’m ___ good morning, class. / miss, mrs. __. hello! nice to meet you? nice to meet you, too!
  2、 language ability :
  ① try to train the way to greet each other gladly without shyness.
  ② can read and write the seven letters and find the letters in diary life.
  3、 studying attitude and methods :
  ① encourage students to take an active part in class, ready to help others.
  ② look, listen, write, carefully.
  4、 teaching tools : tape flash cards
  5、 teaching steps :
  step 1 : introduction :
  t : good morning class (with a smile) i’m your teacher and you are the class .i’m mrs. li, this is an english book. now let’s start our lesson. stand up, please! (action) good morning, class. (help ss to say)
  ss: good morning, mrs. li!
  t : sit down, please. (action)
  step 2 : presentation:
  t : point to myself and say: my name is mrs. li. i’m your teacher. point to one of the students and say. good morning .i’m mrs. li, what’s your name?
  s 1 : good morning !
  my name is ___ .
  t : hello. nice to meet you! (help ss to say)
  hello. nice to meet you, too.
  step 3 : practice :
  get the student to practice the following dialogue in pairs .
  s 1 : good morning !
  s 2 : good morning . i’m ___ . what is your name?
  s 1 : my name is ___ . hello! nice to meet you!
  s 2 : hello ! nice to meet you, too.
  step 6 look listen and say
  1、 introduce 1 . 2. 3
  2、 introduce : han mei and jim . (look at the picture)
  3、 listen repeat then act
  step 7 read say and write :
  t : read the letter " aa " . then show ss the card of the letter. get the student look and listen cerefully. aa   aa   [ei ] (don’t write on the bb)
  2、 writing and reading : aa bb cc dd ee ff gg
  [ei ] [bi: ] [si:] [di:] [ i:] [ef] [dзi:]
  3、 tell ss aa and ee are vowels .
  bb cc dd ff gg is consonants.
  4、 practice : point to the letters
  what’s this? it’s aa
  what’s that? it’s bb ……
  step 7 read say and write (part 2)
  step 8 read and say (part 3)
  1 read. 2 guess the meccning. see. who’s best?
  step 9 : home work :
  1、 listen and read (p.1.2.3)
  2、 write aa—gg . (each four times)
  3、 wb . ex1—4
  4、 think;where you can see these letters in your diary life .
  lesson two
  一、 teaching aims and demands
  1、 language points :
  a、 grasp :
  hh ii jj kk ll mm nn
  b、 understand
  sit down , please . how are you, mr. wang?
  fine, thank you. i’m fine, too.
  2、 language ability :
  ① learn to great the classmates and teachers.
  ② can read and write the seven letters.
  3、 studying attitude and methods :
  encourage students to speak english in class ready to work together with others .
  4、 teaching tools : tape flash cards
  二、 teaching steps :
  step 1 : revision
  1 : revise lesson one
  ① ask ss to put their name cards on the desks
  t;what is your name ?
  s;my name is ….
  , t;good morning class,
  ss : good morning mrs. li !
  t : sit down , please .
  ② t : good morning . my name is mrs. li.
  ss: good morning .
  t : what’s your name ?
  s : my name is ___ .
  t : nice to meet you !
  s : nice to meet you , too .
  ③ revise letters aa—gg
  have a dialogue.
  aa bb cc dd ee ff gg
  step 2 : present station :
  1 、say my name is ___ .( ss repeat )
  2 、t : good morning. my name is mrs. li
  s : good morning mrs. li
  t : sit down , please .
  s : thank you.
  t : how are you ? (help ss to say)
  fine , thank you , how are you ?
  s : i’m fine , too .
  step 3 drill
  a : hello , b : hello
  a : how are you ? b : fine ,thank you . how are you?
  a : i’m fine , too .
  step 4 practic
  do this chair drill around the class.
  a : good morning
  b : good morning
  a : my name is ___ .what ’s your name?
  b : my name is ___ .
  a : how are you ?
  b : fine , thank you . how are you?
  a : i’m fine , too . (to c) hello!
  c : hello . my name is ___ .
  step 5 look listen and say. part 1
  1、 say: open your books to page 2.
  2、 say : look and listen.
  3、 say : look listen and say.
  4、 prairies the dialogue again with books closed .
  step 6 read say and write
  1、 revise the letter a—g
  2、 teach the letter h—n
  ① pronounce points pacts
  use the cads to help students recognize and say the letters . make sere that letters are pronounced correctly
  hh [eit ] ii [ai] jj [dзei]
  kk [kei] ll [el] mm [em] nn [en]
  ③ write points
  3、 book open play the tape . listen and repeat
  step 7 read and say. part 3
  1、 read ..
  2、 guess the meaning .
  step 8 wb homework.
  1、 finish the workbook
  2、 copy the letters h—m five times .
  3、 look listen and say part 1
  lesson three
  一、 teaching aims and demands .
  1、 language points
  understand :
  ① what’s this? it’s ___ .
  ② sing the song " good morning to you! "
  2、 language ability :
  learn to sing an english song.
  teaching tools: tape flashcards.
  二、 teaching steps .
  step 1 revision
  ① precise the following dialogue with several students
  t : good morning.
  s : good morning
  t : i’m mrs. li. my name is li cai lian. what ’s your name?
  s : my name is ___ .
  t : sit down, please.
  s : thank you.
  t : how are you?
  s : fine , thank you . how are you?
  t : i’m fine , too .
  ② let ss practice in pairs.
  ③ revise the number 1—3.
  step 2 sing the song " good morning to you !"
  step 3 read and say :
  1、 give the letter a—n cards to 14 students .
  2、 than ask three students come to the bb . each has the letter a f b and ask them to put up the letters.
  3、 let other student find their "friends" .
  a h j k [ei]
  f l m n [e]
  b c d e g [i:]
  don’t forget "i"
  step 4 ask and answer: part 3
  1、 write the letters a—n
  2、 point to the letter "a" and ask :
  what is this? it is "a"
  what is that? it is "a"
  step 5 look and guess :
  1、 draw a sign on the bb .
  2、 ask ss to find how many letters .
  what letter are they?
  a f e l k n m w h
  3 、let ss draw some drawings and let other ss guess .
  4 、let ss think : in their everyday life, what other things look like these letters and what do they mean?
  step 6 sing the song again.
  step 7 wb homework
  1、 finish work book
  2、 copy the letter a—m
  3 、ask and answer like this
  what is ___ . it’s ___ .
  lesson four
  一、 teaching aims and demands .
  1、 language points :
  hi fine thanks li lei, and you ?
  welcome to no. 1 middle school.
  2、 language ability :
  1、 learn to greet others .
  2、learn to introduce oneself .
  3、 teaching tools tape flash cards
  二、 teaching steps .
  step 1 sing the song : "good morning to you"
  step 2 revise greeting :
  1、 teaches to one student
  2、 ss to ss
  step 3 revise 1—5 number
  step 4 revise the letter a—n
  what’s this ? it’s a ……
  step 5 look listen and say
  1、 look at the picture and say to the ss
  this is gao hui : she is at no. 14 middle school. she says to the boys and girl: welcome to our school. then tell the ss who’s han mei , jim , li lei , david , sam , ann read
  2、 play the tape . listen and repeat and point at the words (several times)
  step 6 checkpoint 1
  1、 greeting
  good morning good morning
  nice to meet you . nice to meet you, too.
  how are you? fine, thank you / thanks
  i’m fine, too. and you?
  sit down, please. thank you.
  2 、 i am = i’m what is = what’s
  it is = it’s
  step 7 revise a—n . have a dictate in
  step 8 sing the song again
  step 9 wb homework
  1、 finish work book
  2、 think eat a way to play games with letters
  1. 良好的开端是成功的一半.第一单元是学生学习英语的入门阶段.学生们对英语有着极大的兴趣和好奇,但也不能排除个别学生对英语的恐惧(指个别来自乡下的学生)知之者不如好之者.抓住学生的这一心理特点从读、听、说入手,充分发挥教材的优势,感悟编者的意图.领着孩子们走向英语知识的海洋.
  2. 学生们勇于模仿,乐于开口,积极参与,让他们体会到合作学习的乐趣,语言交流的最初成就.
