

  unit 5 it must belong to carla.(共5课时)教学目标:1知识与技能:本单元通过学习情态动词,学会正确运用must,might,could和can’t对事物进行推测,并注意体会这些词表示判断时的程度,尽量做到用词准确,拓展了belong to,much too,too much 等词的使用,并提供了一些实用的英语谚语。要对本单元中的生词做到会读,会写,会用。 2学习策略 归纳总结情态动词can,may,must表推断的用法,比较它们的用法区别。在选择它们进行运用时,要多角度,全方位地思考,根据句子语境明确句子的含义,选择正确的情态动词。 3,情感态度与价值观 在日常生活中我们要善于动脑观察,比较事物的特点与区别,逐渐培养自己的推理、判断能力。同时要学会对某一事物发表自己的看法并申明理由,进而锻炼自己的演讲口才以及与人交往的能力。 教学重点:1belong to 短语的应用2情态动词表推测判断的用法。3重点词汇的学习,掌握运用。 教学方法:pairwork groupwork 教学难点:1 have与there be 结构的区别运用 2 because与because of 区别 课时安排:本单元需用5课时完成。
  the 1st lessonstep 1 lead in teacher’s activitystudents’ activity批注show a backpack to everyone.ask ss to guess "whose backpack is this?"guess with "it could be …’s. it must be …’s."启发式教学help them to guess with "it could be …’s,because…."say:itmust be ...’s.look,here’s her name." today,let’s learn unit5 it must belong to carla.listen and try to understand.step2 1a,1b look at the picture and finish 1acheck and explain "plate"read the sentences in the picture.explain "whose is this volleyball?"listen and take notes.play the record for the first time.listen and finish 1b. if necessary,listen again.锻炼学生听力check the answers.read the sentences one by one .step3 pairwork. read 1cwalk around the classroom,help them if they need.practice the conversation in the picture and make conversations with your partner.两人一组练习act it out in class.step4 2a,2b,2c play the record first time.listen and finish 2a.if necessary, play again.if necessary,listen again.提高听力能力check the answers.in the same way,finish 2b and check the answer.finish 2c.check the answers and explain something important.read "grammar focus".explain something important.step5 homework. 与你的好友推断附近得某物品是谁的,然后互相练习。 板书设计:
  the 2nd lesson step1 warm up. pratice the conversations about homework.检查作业listen and give comments.step2 3a 3b read 3a by yourselves and number the parts in order.提高学生阅读能力check the answers.read again and circle the words you don’t know and the sentences you don’t understand.explain the words and sentences.listen and try to understand ,take notes.play the record.listen and correct the pronunciation.explain some important languages.listen and take notes.read together.read 3b by yourselves.walk around the classroom, help them if they need.make up new conversations with your partner.act out.step 3 pairwork. look at the things in the backpack and say what it is.,两人一组练习help them if they need.make guesses about the owner of the backpack with your partner.act out in class.step 4 homework. do exercises in your workbook. 板书设计:
  the 3rd lesson step1 groupwork show some pictures about alien and ufo.say what they are.增强合作意识, 锻炼思维能力look at the pictures in part 1 and finish it .check the answers.help them if they need.make up a story with the words and pictures in groups.read the story in class.step 2 2a,2b. play the record for the first time.listen and finish 2a.提升听力技巧play again if necessary.listen again if necessary .check the answers.in the same way, finish 2b.step 3 pairwork. read 2c together.explain some important sentences.listen and try to understand ,take notes.两人一组练习role play the conversation between the man and the woman.act out in class.step 4 homework. 实践活动:与你得同桌或好友就你周围得人或物进行推断并说明理由,看谁得判断能力强。 板书设计:the 4th lesson step1 warm up practice the conversation about homework.作业反馈listen and correct.step2 3a 3b read 3a by yourselves,find the words you don’t know and the sentences you don’t understand.提高阅读能力 贯穿阅读方法explain some new words and sentences.translate the passage in groups.read again and finish 3a.check the answer explain some important words and sentences.play the record.listen and try to understand without books.read together.explain the phrases in 3b.listen and take notes.help them if they need help.write a passage with one condition in 3b on your notebook.锻炼写作能力read your passage in class.step 3 3c look at the sentences in 3c,try to understand what’s happening in fact.锻炼写作与表达能力help them if they need.finish 3c and read it in class.listen and give comments.多鼓励学生想象。step 4 groupwork.read 4explain some important sentences.help them if they need help.think of a dream you had recently and tell your partners about it .your partners guess what the dream might mean.增强合作意识act out.step 5 homework. 把你听到或看到得事情讲述出来,并与你得伙伴一起猜是什么? 板书设计:
  the 5th lesson step 1 pairwork. ask:what does your father do? what’s he doing now? why do you think so? do you think he’s right?answer:he’s a/an..... i think he’s.... he likes/often..... yes/no,i think......help them if they need.practice the conversation with your partner.两人一组练习act out in class.step2 part1 finish part 1by yourselves.check the answers.correct.make sentences with the words.read in class.step3 part 2. read them find the new words and sentences.重在理解,渗透情感教学explain something new and important.try to memorize the proverbs as quickly as possible.have a contest.step 3 part3 finish 3 by yourselves.check the answer.step4 homework. 板书设计
