

  位置 执行者及与其关系 结合位置讨论动作的时间性
  1) doing learning english is important.
  your learning english is important.
  for them to have been invited to the party is nice.
  to do to learn english is important.
  for a chinese to english is important.
  note: a) it is it is no use/good not any good/use
  b)to play basketball this afternoon
  playing basketball is fun.
  there is no doing
  there is no playing football during the breaks in the school.
  there/it’s no use/good not any use/good useless doing
  have difficulty trouble a hard time fun in doing
  come near to doing
  he came near to being knocked down.
  my job is teaching foreigners chinese./
  the mission is to teach foreigners chinese.
  what i want to do is (to) help you.
  he is surprised. the story is interesting.
  object to , devoted to, look forward to, be sentenced to, be used to, lead to, stick to, prefer…to, refer to, fall to, take to, give…to…, see to, be opposed to, be reduced to, contribute to(促使), owing to, due to, next to, as to, get down to(开始认真对待), get around to(找到时间去…)
  dedicate to give way to be familiar to apply oneself to come to add to in addition to keep to look up to(尊敬) stand up to (勇敢面对)
  cf, agree to do agree to doing
  be accustomed to do be accustomed to doing
  名词 + to 后跟动名词
  key to, memorial to, monument to, damage to, dedication to, devotion to, solution to, way to, service to, visit to, addition to, entrance to, answer to, clue to, cue to, pay attention to
  admit, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, forbid, forgive, imagine, involve, keep, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, resist, risk, suggest, permit, prevent, fancy, understand
  burst out, feel like, give up, can’t help, leave off (戒除) put off
  afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, beg, care (would you care to see me?) choose, dare, decide, expect, fail, happen, help, hesitate, hope, manage, offer, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, /stand, wish, claim, bother, prove, determine, learn, long, plan, tend, volunteer,
  begin, start, continue, neglect, be accustomed, can’t bear intend
  propose doing 提议 propose to do 打算
  remember forget
  he forgot _______(lock) the door that morning. he returned home only to find that he had remembered _______(lock) the door.
  go on
  like love hate
  need, want require deserve
  can’t help
  动名词的完成式用于作宾语时,-ing 和having done 一般没有区别,除了:
  i am sure of his pa ssing the exam. / his having passed the exam.
  doing 与所修饰的名词没有逻辑关系, 表示用途
  reading room dining hall chewing gum painting brush sewing machine
  dancing girl the girl dancing
  surprised surprising
  here is a book to be written next year. the man dancing there is my classmates.
  being written now. to dance at the evening is my classmates
  written last year. the first/best/last person to come
  to write
  next, second, last, only和not a,the等限定词时候,只能用不定式。
  1)this is the best place to learn english. (time, chance, moment, way)\
  2)i don’t trust his promise to come for a visit.
  ability能力,本领 drive赶,驾驶 movement运动,活动
  ambition抱负,野心 effort努力,尝试 need需要,需求
  campaign战役,运动 failure失败,不及格 opportunity机会
  chance机会 force力,压力,要点 promise许诺,希望
  courage勇气 intention意向,意图 reason理由,原因
  decision决定 method方法,方式 light光,光线,亮光
  determination决心,决定 motive动机,目的 struggle奋斗,努力,
  tendency倾向,趋势 wish希望,愿望,祝愿
  定语 状语 表语 宾语补足语
  所修饰的词 主语 主语 宾语
  seeing the police, the thief ran away.
  having had the meal, he went to the study.
  seen by the police, the thief ran away.
  having been operated on, the patient was sent to the ward.
  he works hard just to support the whole family.
  he went there only to find there was no one left.
  football is played in most european countries, thus making it most popular.
  状语 结果状语 so as to do so…..as to too…..to enough…to
  thus doing
  目的状语 to do in order to do so as to do
  having done done being done done
  when, as if, while, if, even if, although, once, unless, until 引导分词
  if _____(arrive) early tomorrow, we can go swimming.
  the emperor walked in the street, _____.
  a. with nothing on b. not wearing anything c. having nothing ond. without anything worn
  time permitting, i will drop in at my teacher’s.
  the teacher being ill, the class was dismissed.
  with + n. n. / adj./ adv./ p.p/ ing/ to do/ done
  with no one his friend, he felt quite lonely.
  see, hear, watch, find, feel, catch,
  get, keep, have, make, set,
  1.v + o + to do
  advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, command, compel(强迫),encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, instruct, intend, invite, like, love, mean, need, oblige, order, permit, persuade, prefer, recommend, remind, request, teach, tell, tempt, trouble, want, warn, wish, prepare
  2.assume, believe, consider, feel, know, suppose, think sb. to be. /have been/ be doing
  3. 没to see, hear, watch, find, feel notice, observe, listen to, look at,
  have, let, make get , l keep, set
  have sb. do/ doing/ done
  have food to eat
  have food eaten.
  like need order want wish sth.( to be) done.
  省略to 的不定式
  feel hear listen to make let have see watch notice observe look at
  make let have
  would rather do than do rather than do had better do
  except besides but
  why not do why do
  what he does is collect some stamps.
  help (to) do help sb. (to) do
  1.appear happen, seem, prove, claim, pretend be said, reported, believed, supposed, known, sure, certain, thought, considered expected likely
  would like was, expect, intend, hope, mean, plan, promise, suppose, think, want, wish + to have done
  to tell the truth, to be plain with you, to return to the subject, to change the subject, needless to say, to make matters worse/better, to be brief, to begin with, to be frank,
  generally/ broadly/ strictly/ frankly/honestly speaking, talking of/ speaking of/ considering/ concerning/ regarding/ seeing (既然) provided/ providing supposing judging from
  1.go to school
  2.father and son
  3.teacher as he is
  4.kind/sort/type /variety of book
  5.john, head of the department,
  6.turn teacher
  7.gun in hand
