

  unit 3 under the sea
  ⅰ. 单元教学目标
  技能目标skill goals
  retell a story and make it into a play
  read a story and describe the relationship between animals and humans
  review the passive voice (2) (including the -ing form)
  write a paragraph to complain politely based on dialogues about blame and complaint
  ⅱ. 目标语言
  blame and complaint
  i’m sorry but ...
  i’m afraid ...
  that’s not good enough.
  i’m feeling (annoyed with / unhappy about / unsatisfied with ... etc)
  i’m not feeling (happy about / satisfied with ...etc)
  i’d like to talk to the manager.
  i’d like a full refund.
  that’s no good for me.
  i’d like a refund, please.
  词 汇1. 四会词汇
  anecdote, annual, witness, accommodation, shore, yell, pack, flee, drag, depth, lip, tongue, abandon, relationship, rent, seaside, net, dimension, reflect, pure, magic, beauty, cell, aware, vivid, poisonous, cave, narrow, sharp, tasty, scare, shallow, entry, boundary,antarctic, awesome, seal, pension, pensioner
  2. 认读词汇
  snorkel, aquarium, clancy, baleen, baleen whale, migration, oar, blow-hole, harpoon, meantime, overboard, flipper, turtle, lettuce, horn, anemonefish, tentacle, sea anemone, sea-slug, stripe, striped, eel, giant, clam, leap, refund
  3. 词组
  ahead of, in the meantime, help out, be / become aware of, upside down, (be) scared to death, the antarctic, sort out, throw ... out of, be about to do, head out, flee out, aim at, float up, wash off, hold up
  4. 重点词汇
  anecdote, accommodation, shore, yell, flee, drag, depth, tongue, abandon, seaside, net, relationship, beauty, aware, vivid, poisonous, tasty, scare, antarctic, awesome, pension
  构revise the passive voice (including the -ing form)
  clancy didn’t mind being told what to do.
  being held up in the water by old tom, james was confident he would survive.
  子1. without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay. p20
  2. as we drew closer, i could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers. p20
  3. the first thing i become aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me ... p24
  4. ... the yellow and green parrotfish hanging upside down, and sucking tiny plants off the coral with its hard bird-like mouth ... p24
  6. i told myself they weren’t dangerous but that didn’t stop me from feeling scared to death for a moment. p24
  ⅲ. 教材分析和教材重组
  1. 教材分析
  本单元以大自然中的海底世界为话题, 以谈论海底世界的动植物为切入点,让学生在交流中发现和了解大自然的奇妙和美丽;通过阅读奇闻故事,使学生从一个侧面了解人类与动物的关系;一篇与海底动植物相处的感受的日记,把学生带入人与自然和谐相处的美好境界。
  1.1 warming up设计了两个活动。第一个活动用两个提问直接导入本单元的中心话题,也是学生最感兴趣的话题——海底动物和植物,要求学生以互相交流的方式更多地了解海底世界。紧接着是小组活动,要求学生将已知的海洋动植物列表归纳,并谈论自己最喜爱的海洋动物或植物。这一部分的设计为下一步的课文学习以及后边的听、说、读、写在内容方面打下了伏笔。
  1.2 pre-reading是reading文图并茂的内容简介。"虎鲸帮助捕鲸人在每年须鲸迁徙时捕捉须鲸"的奇闻轶事会立刻激起学生的阅读兴趣。
  1.3 reading是一篇题为"old tom the killer whale"的故事,其中包括两篇关于虎鲸的奇闻轶事。第一篇讲虎鲸如何帮助捕鲸人捕捉须鲸,过程奇妙有趣。第二篇讲虎鲸如何从鲨鱼群中救出捕鲸人,情节惊险感人。学生通过对课文的阅读理解,会由衷地感激这些可爱的海洋动物对人类忠实的帮助和巨大的贡献,同时习得阅读故事的技能。
  1.4 comprehending设计了根据课文内容描述old tom和捕鲸人的关系, 旨在引导学生在阅读理解的基础上进行再创造。第二题根据课文回答问题,其目的是评价学生对文章的理解程度。第三项是小组讨论,中心论题——你是否同意禁止捕鲸——直击本单元思想内容主题——环境和动物保护。整个活动设计梯次分明,思想教育意义和语言学习意义两条线共同逐步深入,以达到阅读理解的最佳效果。
  1.5 learning about language分为词汇和语法两项。词汇部分帮助学生学习用适当的形式和意义使用词汇和短语,旨在培养学生运用英语词汇和短语的能力。语法项目是复习动词-ing形式的被动语态。要求学生用正确的-ing形式完成单句填空和补全句子来操练这一语法项目。-ing形式的被动语态在语法学习中是个难点,教师可以在此基础上做些拓展性和巩固性的练习设计。
  1.6 using language是一个综合性学习项目,包括"阅读与讨论"、"讨论与写作"、 "说话与写作"。"阅读与讨论" 的主体是一篇与海底动植物相处的感受的日记,其后设计了四个活动环节:速读选择信息;细节列表;词汇学习;语法学习(形容词连用)。"讨论与写作"共有两项任务:一是让学生以小组活动的形式讨论所给出的日记中的描述性词语的意思和描述方式;二是让学生用上其中三、四个短语写一小段描写一个地点的一种动物或植物的短文。这种分类描写的方式非常有利于对学生的写作训练和指导。"读、听、说"共设计了五项活动:第一项是在"听"之前阅读一则观鲸旅游的广告并就此讨论有关问题;第二项是听一段对话选择答案;第三项在重听一遍的同时,记下与广告不符的情况;第四、五项的听力重点在词汇上,练习的内容是完成所听的句子和填上所缺的词。所有"读、听、说"的活动层次清晰,内容连贯,实际上都在为完成下一步"写"的任务积累素材和提供示范。"说话与写作"的中心任务是本单元写作练习的主题:对某事或某人以礼貌的方式责备和抱怨。该部分提供了表示"责备和抱怨"的习惯用语和三种情境,要求学生运用所给的词语先进行对话练习,然后再把对话内容写下来。这种写作练习设计能使学生体会到语言的鲜活、生动和实用,有利于发挥他们的写作积极性。
  2. 教材重组
  2.1 pre-reading, reading, comprehending是一个整体, 而第一部分warming up的话题内容又与reading一致,因此将这几部分整合在一起,设计成一节"阅读课"。
  2.2 learning about language 中的两项活动(词汇和语法)和workbook 中的using words and expressions 以及using structures内容一致,整合起来设计成一节"语言学习课"。
  2.3 将using language 中的听力部分(p25 reading, discussing and listening) 与workbook中的listening, listening task 整合为一节"听力课";由于workbook中talking 的任务是谈论前面两个听力内容的,所以将此项任务也加进这一课时。
  2.4 将using language 中的reading and discussing 以及其后的四项练习与workbook中的reading task 以及其后的两项练习整合在一起,上一节"泛读课"。
  2.5 将using language 中的speaking and writing (p26) 与writing task, speaking task 整合成一节"交流写作课"。
  3. 课型设计与课时分配
  1st periodreading
  2nd periodlanguage study
  3rd periodlistening
  4th periodextensive reading
  5th periodcommunication and writing
  ⅳ. 分课时教案
  the first period reading
  teaching goals教学目标
  1. target language目标语言
  a. 重点词汇和短语
  anecdote, annual, witness, accommodation, shore, yell, pack, flee, drag, depth, lip, tongue, abandon, relationship, ahead of, in the meantime, help out
  b. 重点句子
  we ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again. p20
  without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay. p20
  as we drew closer, i could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers. p20
  and those others are stopping it ping or fleeing out to sea. p20
  it took over half an hour to get the boat back to james ... p21
  2. ability goals能力目标
  enable the ss to talk about plants and animals under the sea. let the ss know that sea plants and animals are part of human beings’ life.
  3. learning ability goals 学能目标
  help the ss learn how to talk about plants and animals under the sea by means of making dialogues and know the importance of the relationship between animals and humans through reading.
  teaching important points 教学重点
  help the ss know more about plants and animals under the sea as well as the animals’ loyalty and help to human beings.
  teaching difficult points 教学难点
  analyze the structure of some sentences;
  summarize the main idea of each paragraph as well as the text.
  teaching methods 教学方法
  making dialogues to collect information about the plants and animals under the sea;
  fast-reading and careful-reading methods;
  thinking and summarizing methods.
  teaching aids 教具准备
  a recorder, a projector and some slides.
  teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式
  step ⅰ warming up
  t: good morning / afternoon, everyone!
  ss: good morning / afternoon, sir / madam!
  t: have you seen plants and animals that live under the sea? and do you like them?
  ss: yes. they are very beautiful and lovely. / some are ugly and dangerous. / i like them very much whether they are beautiful or ugly. / yes, they are very nice ...
  t: mm, i see. but where did you see them?
  ss: at an aquarium. / in the tunnel under the sea. / in the zoo. / on tv, the programs about the sea animals. / on the internet. i have seen a lot of pictures about the sea animals and plants ...
  t: very good. you see, your sight of sea animals is limited. do you want to know more about them?
  ss: yes! very much! but how?
  t: now you can talk to each other in pairs about the sea animals and plants you’ve seen before to enrich your knowledge of them. use the list on page 19 to help you.
  the ss begin to talk about the plants and animals under the sea they’ve seen before and the teacher can walk around to see what they are talking about. after that the teacher can ask two or three pairs to act their dialogues out.
  possible dialogue 1:
  sa: last summer holiday, i went to hainan province with my parents. there when i was on my snorkelling trip, i saw many kinds of beautiful fish under the sea. they have so rich and fresh colors that i couldn’t believe my eyes.
  sb: do you know their names?
  sa: no. so large variety of colorful fish that they made me astonished. but i could hardly call a single name of them. maybe i saw sea anemones, which live on rocks and look like flowers.
  sb: have you seen anything special?
  sa: yes. i saw some corals, real and living corals. you know the red one is the most beautiful.
  sb: red? i’ve only seen white ones in decoration shops. i like its fantastic shapes. but i don’t know there are some red ones.
  sa: besides red ones, there are purple, yellow, blue, pink ones.
  sb: oh! that’s wonderful! how lucky you are! i like sea animals and plants very much but i haven’t seen them under the sea with my own eyes. i’ve only seen them on tv programs and in some films about living things under the sea.
  sa: when we can earn enough money by ourselves, the first holiday trip would be going on a snorkelling trip.
  sb: it’s a go!
  possible dialogue 2:
  sa: once i saw many turtles in the aquarium of shanhaiguan. some were so large that they couldn’t move very fast. two or three of them had hard horns on their legs. it is said they must have lived at least over three hundred years before they have this kind of thing.
  sb: really? i’ve never heard about that. i have been to shengya ocean world in dalian. i saw some large turtles but didn’t find that kind of ones.
  sa: you must have seen many fish, right?
  sb: certainly! a large number of animals and plants under the sea.
  sa: tell me more, please.
  sb: some eels, for example. they were long and thin with sharp teeth and swam very quickly. small sharks in white-grey color swam in groups around the per. they were active and seemed never to stop. the explainer told us that only a few kinds of sharks might attack people. there were also fat sea lions, yellow and green parrotfish, blue-striped angelfish, sea horses—they were very small, floating upright in water, sea stars in many colors and so on. there were also some sea plants such as kelp.
  sa: that’s wonderful. i’ll ask my parents to take me there next summer holiday!
  t: very good job! you make me know more about the lovely sea animals. would you like me to show you around the world under the sea?
  ss: hurray! we couldn’t wait any more!
  t: but remember, after you’ve seen each beautiful creature without name marked, you must try to write down the name of the animal or the plant in your exercise books, three of you will be asked to write the names on the blackboard. whoever writes the names most quickly and accurately will get a small gift. clear?
  show pictures of sea plants and animals on the screen and ask the ss to do the spelling job. if possible, a short video about the world under sea would be better.
  (1) (2)
  (3) (4)
  (5) (6)
  (7) (8)
  (9) (10)
  (11) (12)
  (13) (14)
  names of these sea animals and plants:
  (1) white whale白鲸(2) anemone海葵
  (3) sea star海星 (4) shark鲨鱼
  (5) coral珊瑚 (6) butterfly fish蝴蝶鱼 (7) sea horse海马
  (8) turtle海龟 (9) parrot fish 鹦嘴鱼  (10) kelp海带
  (11) eel海鳗(12) angel fish天使鱼
  (13) anemone fish海葵鱼(14) dolphin海豚
  t: aren’t they beautiful! i think you’ve known more about sea animals and plants. now, let’s work in groups of four, making a list about what you have known about them to collect the information. draw a form like this and then fill in it. show the following form on the screen. after the ss have finished, show a fulfilled one as a summary.
  nameplants and animals
  you’ve seen under the seawhere you
  saw themfavourite one
  & why
  li huadolphins, flying fish, kelps, algae, whitebait...on a boat tourdolphins: clever and friendly to people
  wang xixiturtles, sea horses, sea lion, sharks, white whale, seals...at an
  aquariumsea lion: clever
  & can play game
  wang xixiflatfish, ling, coral, kelps, algae, eels, clams, sea-slugs, whales, crabs, shrimps, cuttlefish, seas rats, seals, whales sharks, whelks, elephant seal, anemone, seajelly...on tv and in filmscoral: colourful and in charming shapes
  kelps: tasty and nutrient
  jian pingparrot fish, angel fish, eels, coral, kelps, turtles, scallops, clams...on a
  tripbutterfly fish:
  beautiful in colors
  step ⅱ pre-reading
  let the ss talk about the picture in pre-reading and get them prepared for the reading passage.
  t: now look at the picture in pre-reading. what can you see and what do you think is happening in it?
  s: in the picture we can see a huge fish, from the water spurted out of the blow-hole on its head we can know it must be a whale. there are some big fish running after it. they are having a fight, i guess.
  s: there is a small boat not far from the whale. the people on the boat might be hunting whales. i heard of it before.
  t: if you want to uncover the puzzle, read the words on the left side of the picture.
  after a short while.
  t: what does anecdote mean? have you got its meaning from the dictionary?
  s: it means a short story based on your personal experience.
  t: right! so what are the main characters of the story?
  s: whalers, killer whales and baleen whales.
  t: but what is the real name of the killers? and how did they help the whalers to catch the baleen whales? let’s read the text and find the answers.
  step ⅲ reading comprehending
  in this step, the ss will read the text and deal with the comprehending exercises.
  let the ss skim the text and get the main ideas of the two anecdotes.
  after skimming.
  t: who is old tom? what is the first anecdote about?
  s: old tom is the name of killer whales. the first anecdote describes a hunting experience about how the killer whales helped the whalers to hunt a whale.
  t: good! how about the second one?
  s: it tells about how a killer whale protected and saved james, a whaler.
  let the ss do scanning and find the answers to the questions in exercise 2.
  t: first, go through the questions in exercise 2 on page 21, and then i will give you several minutes to do scanning.
  a few minutes later, guide the ss to do pair work (as follows), while the teacher can walk around to see if they have any problems to deal with.
  sa: what evidence was there that old tom was helping the whalers out?
  sb: old tom was swimming by the boat, showing us the way and leading us to the hunt. george started beating the water with his oar and there was tom, circling back to the boat, leading us to the hunt again ...
  then ask some pairs to ask and answer the questions before class.
  t: very good! now close your books and we’ll listen to the tape of this text. take out a piece of paper. look at the screen, while you are listening, pay attention to the whole story and try to write down the missing words in the sentences according to what you hear. are you ready?
  show the following sentences on the screen. (the sentences are given with blanks.)
  1. i thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then i witnessed it with my own eyes many times.
  2. …as i was sorting out my accommodation, i heard a loud noise coming from the bay.
  3. we ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again.
  4. "come on, clancy. to the boat," george said as he ran ahead of me.
  5. as we drew closer, i could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.
  6. and those others are stopping it ping or fleeing out to sea.
  7. within a moment or two, its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into the depths of the sea.
  8. in the meantime, old tom, and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue.
  after playing the tape, ask someone to spell out the words or write them down on the bb to check their listening and spelling tasks. at last, show the answers on the screen.
  step ⅳ discussion
  deal with exercise 3 in comprehending. let the ss work in groups and do some discussion.
  t: look at the title of this text: old tom the killer whale. who is old tom and what is special about it?
  s: it is a killer whale! it’s the head of the killer whale team, i think.
  s: maybe it is the most clever and powerful one in the team.
  t: now in groups, discuss the relationship between old tom and the whalers. then discuss what other animals help out humans in hunting.
  a sample description:
  sa: old tom is honest and helpful to the whalers and the whalers are very kind to old tom and its group, too. they’re just like good friends.
  sb: i think so. maybe old tom and other killers have been trained by the whalers, just like hunting dogs, they get on well with the whalers. in everyday life they take care of each other and in an emergency, they help each other.
  sc: speaking to hunting dogs, i think they are the most typical animals that help out humans in hunting. upon meeting the quarries, they are very excited and listen to their masters very well to hunt for them. if there is a group of dogs, they may work together till they help the master catch the quarries. then they will be very happy and come back to the master to report their success. that’s very interesting. and if their master is in danger, they will rush up to rescue him. there are many moving stories of this kind.
  sd: yes. after reading the text, we can learn more about the relationship between humans and animals. humans and animals should depend on each other and be kind to each other. only in that way, can the world be more harmonious and beautiful.
  deal with some language points.
  step ⅴ homework
  t: as a matter of fact, whales are now an endangered animal. many people are trying to protect them from being hunted. the last whaling station in australia closed in 1978. but some countries oppose the ban. and there are still people who hunt whales. what’s your opinion? are you for or against the banning whaling? consider the problem carefully and we’ll have a discussion tomorrow. good-bye everyone!
  the second period language study
  teaching goals教学目标
  1. target language 目标语言
  a. 重点词汇和短语
  depth, shore, accommodation, in the meantime, park, snorkel, rent, seaside, net, be aware of, reflect on, pure, upside down, scare to death
  b. 重点句子
  james was afraid of being attacked by sharks. p23
  the children enjoyed being taken to the aquarium. p23
  2. ability goals能力目标
  revise the passive voice of the -ing form.
  learn to use some new words and phrases.
  3. learning ability goals学能目标
  help the ss to learn how to use the passive voice especially "being done" form by practicing and summarizing.
  teaching important points 教学重点
  the passive voice and "being done" used as object, attribute and so on.
  teaching difficult points教学难点
  help the ss to master the usage of the passive voice and "being done" structure.
  teaching methods 教学方法
  concluding, summarizing and practicing.
  teaching aids 教具准备
  a projector and a computer.
  teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
  stepⅰ revision
  t: good morning / afternoon everyone!
  ss: good morning / afternoon, sir / madam!
  t: at the end of last period, you were asked to think about the international ban on whaling. are you for it or against it? now let’s work in groups of four and discuss the reasons for and against banning whaling.
  while the ss are having discussion, walk around to see if they are getting on well with the job. when they have finished, ask the ss to speak out their group’s opinions and reasons.
  possible discussion:
  sa: i think it’s important to protect whales. after a long time hunting, the number of whales has largely decreased. on the other hand, with the development of industry, the sea has been seriously polluted and the pollution has killed many whales.
  sb: yes. i agree on the international ban. whale is one of the oldest species on the earth. protecting them effectively and studying them seriously will bring human beings great benefit.
  sc: whales are the hugest animals living in the ocean. the number of them in nature will have great effect on the balance of sea animals as well as nature.
  sd: we seem to have the same idea about the topic and i agree with you all. firstly, animals are human being’s friends; we must try to protect them, especially those endangered. it is reported that many whales kill themselves for some unknown reasons on some beaches every year. maybe that is caused by pollution. in a word, man has done much harm to whales. it’s time for us humans to do something to protect them. no more whaling!
  t: yes, no more whaling! i agree with you very much! i hope you can get more information about whales after class to learn more about their current situation.
  step ⅱ language study
  deal with the useful words and expressions in this unit and let the ss do some exercises to master their meanings and usages.
  t: turn to pages 22, please finish exx 1 -3.
  when the ss have finished that, check the answers with the whole class.
  t: now, we’ll revise some useful structures.
  as the teacher explains the grammar, he / she will show the slides at proper time.
  step ⅲ practice (workbook exercises)
  let the ss finish the exercises in using words and expressions on page 63 to further practice the use of some key words and expressions.
  then let them finish the exercises in using structures. after students have finished, show some students’ work on the projector, check their work with the whole class. correct the errors if there are any.
  this structure is used after prepositions and verbs normally followed by -ing form. so the teacher can help the ss summarize the verbs or phrasal verbs followed by -ing form.
  step ⅳ homework
  homework for today:
  1. revise the grammar and language points.
  2. write five sentences with "being done" structure as different components of a sentence.
  the third period listening
  teaching goals 教学目标
  1. target language目标语言
  opportunity, annual, migration, antarctic, whale watching tour, witness, awesome, leap out of, seal, refund, pensioner, shark attack
  2. ability goals能力目标
  enable the ss to listen to three dialogues about a tour they have read in the advertisement and an interview of a shark expert to answer the questions given.
  3. learning ability goals学能目标
  learn how to get right information from what they hear on the tape and answer the questions given according to the listening material.
  teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点
  listen to dialogues to pick out the expressions about blame and complaint and fill in the missing words in the short passages given.
  answer some questions given about sharks in order to smooth the way of listening.
  teaching methods 教学方法
  listening, speaking and cooperative learning.
  teaching aids 教具准备
  a recorder.
  teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
  step ⅰ revision
  t: good morning / afternoon everyone!
  ss: good morning / afternoon, sir/ madam!
  t: now, i’ll check your homework. read the sentences you’ve made with the passive voice of -ing form.
  or ask some ss to write down their sentences on the bb, correct the mistakes if any.
  sample sentences:
  being a student, i know i must work hard. (adverbial)
  i’m very excited about being invited to my friend’s birthday party. (object of prep.)
  we don’t like being kept writing homework all day long on sunday. (object of vt.)
  being praised is a pleasure. (subject)
  the boy being blamed is crying. (attribute)
  step ⅱ listening (1)
  t: page 25, please. you will find an advertisement about whale watching tours. have you ever been on such a tour? what can you experience on this tour? ... now read it carefully and try to answer the questions above it. you can discuss with your partners.
  suggested answers:
  1. you can: listen to whales singing and watch them underwater on the videocamera; witness whales in their natural environment as they leap out of water and feed in our waters; enjoy plenty of other marine animals such as dolphins, seals and penguins.
  2. i am eager to go on this tour. i would like to witness whales in their natural environment as they leap out of water and feed in our waters best.
  3. you will get a refund if you don’t see a whale on the tour.
  t: now we are going to hear some dialogues between tourists and a tour guide. they have finished the whale watching tour. look at the aspects in ex 2. go through the aspects given and decide which ones the tourists might think were good and which they might complain about. after that, we’ll listen to the tape and check the answers. clear?
  play the tape. for the first time, they are required to check the answers they have chosen. for the second time, they should number the aspects in the order they hear about them. then check the answers with the whole class.
  t: we have so many jobs to do today. now page 26. let’s listen to the tape again to finish exx 3-5. for ex 4, you are required to pick out the expressions about complaint in each of the three dialogues and then complete the sentences given. these expressions are the functional items of this unit.
  play the tape again and help the ss to finish these tasks and at last, check the answers with the class.
  step ⅲ listening (2)
  t: turn to page 62 please. first look at the three photos. what do you see in them?
  ss: sharks.
  t: have you seen any sharks with your own eyes? where did you see them? how would you like to describe them?
  s: i saw them in an aquarium. i think they are huge and fierce.
  s: i saw them on the tv. it is reported that sharks attack people on the beaches in some areas.
  t: how do you feel when you look at the photos of them?
  s: i feel scared.
  s: i feel amazed.
  s: i feel that humans are so fragile and weak in front of them.
  then let the ss discuss the questions above the photos in groups and make short dialogues. they will share information with each other and learn more about sharks.
  possible dialogue 1:
  sa: where have you seen sharks?
  sb: i’ve seen them at an aquarium.
  sa: what do you know about them?
  sb: i know from the interpreter that there are many kinds of sharks in the world but just a few of them may attack people. what about you, c?
  sc: i’ve seen them both on tv and at an aquarium. when i saw them in the large aquarium, i found they were not so big and fierce. on the contrary, they were lively and active. when i saw them on tv programs about the world under the sea, i found they swam very quickly like an arrow. in fact, i like them very much. do you know anything about shark, a?
  sa: yes. i’ve seen them on the internet, on tv and in the film of jaws. the animal is a wonderful creature in nature; while in the film it was very cruel and fierce and killed many people. but i don’t think the film tells the true stories of sharks. i always think if you don’t disturb the wild animals, they won’t attack you, either.
  possible dialogue 2:
  sa: how do you feel when you look at the photos?
  sb: in the first and second one, they seem fine. they have a very good shape and they can swim very quickly.
  sc: but in the third one it looks very frightening, just like the big shark in the film jaws. it’s terrible. what do you think about them, a?
  sa: sometimes we may hear news that sharks attack people and this may frighten people very much. but people often pay less attention to the fact that many more sharks are killed by people every year and their amount in nature dropped down very quickly.
  sb: yes. people kill far more sharks than sharks do to people. and i know from some books that seldom do the wild animals attack human beings, if people won’t disturb them. so people should think seriously what they have done to sharks. for example, whether we’ve destroyed their surviving environment or whether too much fishing has broken their food chains.
  t: as we all know, sharks attack people. now let’s listen to the news reports on shark attacks. number the places where these attacks happened in the order your hear them. are you ready?
  play the tape twice or more for the ss to listen and finish exx 2-3. after that, check the answers with them. then let the ss work in groups and discuss the questions in ex 4.
  suggested answers to q1:
  sa: just now we heard some reports on shark attacks. as to whether people should hunt down and kill sharks, i think that depends on the case. if the shark kills people, like the one in the film jaws, it should be killed in order to save people’s lives. but we mustn’t kill those that never attack people because not all sharks might hurt people. we can’t kill the whole family just because one of them killed a person.
  sb: i agree. shark attacks just happen once in a while. in fact, the chances of being bitten by a shark are actually very small. compared to what people have done to sharks, they are innocent. imagine that if human beings hadn’t disturbed their circumstance or destroyed their food chain or polluted sea water and so on, would that kinds of things happen so often?
  sc: yes. we human beings must reflect on ourselves whether we leave enough space for sea animals, like sharks, to survive in nature. if we want too much from the sea, we must be punished, by animals, by nature or in some other ways. on the other hand, people can take measures to avoid this. for example, not to swim too close to their habitats, leave them enough space; not to fish too much, especially the certain kinds of fish for sharks’ food; protect the ocean from being polluted to provide good sea environment for all sea animals and mostly, for human beings.
  suggested answers to q2:
  sa: i think it matters if many sharks are killed by people. everyone knows that any species has its own position in nature, saying nothing of sharks, large and important animals. the amount of sharks will make great effect on the sea creature chain, while sea creature chain will affect the ocean, and the ocean will act on the climate straight, and as a result, on human beings. so i think animals, such as sharks, have a very close relation to people.
  sb: yes. it is reported that shark populations are decreasing at a serious rate because of modern fishing technology. on the other hand, with the deepwater condition getting worse by pollution and people’s killing, more and more species are becoming endangered.
  sc: as far as i know, up to 200 million sharks are killed each year. this former huge family now has no longer held advantages. their situation makes us worried. so i think government should make sure that the fishing of sharks is slowed down. meanwhile, take matures to protect them.
  t: very good job! i’m very glad to find that you have got strong sense of environmental protection.
  now, look at the screen and we will read two pieces of news with pictures.
  deal with the new words first.
  on the screen
  whales and dolphins mysteriously stranded
  new words: tasmania n.塔斯马尼亚;
  beaching n.海滩; steer v.驾驶,转向;
  strand vt.搁浅; rescuer n.救助者;
  survivor n.生还者
  alison joyce and her two-year-son tyler look bottle-nosed dolphins stranded on sea elephant
  beach on tasmania’s king island in australia november 29, XX. over 100 of the mammals mysteriously beached themselves in a mass stranding which was repeated at another beach on the island states’ south-east coast. more than three-quarters of australia’s whale strandings occur in tasmania.
  part of a pod of beached long-finned pilot whales lie dead in the sand at sea elephant beach on tasmania’s king island, australia, november 28, XX. more than 100 whales and dolphins died in two separate beachings in 24 hours on remote australian islands, leaving rescuers on monday struggling to steer survivors out to sea and prevent more strandings.
  after reading the news there may appear a special atmosphere in class among the ss and they may get a special education as well. the teacher can take the opportunity to make the ss know deeply the importance of the protecting nature.
  step ⅳ listening (3)
  t: next we are going to listen to an interview with the shark expert don james. before you listen, go through the statements in ex 1 on page 65 and predict what you will hear in the interview. then listen and number these statements in the order you hear them.
  after the ss have finished reading the statements, play the tape. then check the order of the statements. then let the ss try to answer the questions in ex 2 in pairs. play the tape for the second time. ask the ss to take some notes while listening. finally, ask some of them to answer the questions with the help of their notes according to what they hear.
  step ⅴ homework
  t: today we have talked about and listened to something about sea animals. tomorrow we’ll learn more interesting things about them. please preview the reading passage on page 24. now class is over. goodbye, everyone.
  ss: goodbye, sir / madam.
  the fourth period extensive reading
  teaching goals教学目标
  1. target language 目标语言
  a. 重点词汇和短语
  reflecting, pure magic, beauty, cell, became aware of, vivid, poisonous, cave, narrow, upside down, sharp, tasty, scared to death, shallow
  b. 重点句子
  i’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day — a day of pure magic!
  the first thing i became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me ...
  what a wonderful, limitless world it was down there!
  2. ability goals能力目标
  enable the ss to know more about the living things under the sea and experience the beautiful and harmonious nature by reading a diary describing the animals and scenery under the sea and learn to write a similar one according to the expressions given.
  3. learning ability goals学能目标
  try to improve the students’ reading ability by grasping the information in the dairy about the world under the sea. strengthen their sense of environmental protection.
  teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点
  enable the ss to read for specific information and guide the ss to write their own diary.
  teaching methods 教学方法
  reading, listening and speaking.
  teaching aids 教具准备
  a recorder, a projector and a computer.
  teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式
  t: good morning / afternoon everyone!
  ss: good morning / afternoon, sir / madam!
  t: yesterday i asked you to preview the reading passage on page 23. it’s chosen from someone’s diary. what does the writer write about?
  ss: the writer reflected his or her experience of snorkeling on the reef. he / she described the animals and the scenery under the sea.
  t: good job!
  stepⅱreading (1)
  reading and discussing p24
  t: almost every one of you likes to watch the programs about the sea and the sea life. that’s a great enjoyment. don’t you think so? if you have a chance to go on a snorkeling trip, how will you feel?
  ss: we’ll feel crazily happy. / that would be the most fantastic thing. / it would be the most exciting thing in my life ...
  t: yes, i can understand your feelings. now listen to the tape going with the passage on page 24 without looking at your textbooks. try to count how many sea animals the writer mentions in his/her dairy. let’s begin!
  play the tape for the ss to listen to and let the ss try to write down the names of the sea animals mentioned in the diary. after that, check the job by asking someone to tell the names of the sea animals.
  t: how many animals does the writer mention in his/her diary?
  ss: 7.
  t: what are they?
  ss: they are parrotfish, sea-slug, sea-star, turtle, eel, clam and reef shark.
  t: right. by the way, there is another kind of creature, not fish, which are described much, especially their shapes. what are they?
  ss: corals!
  t: yes. you’ve done very well. let’s read the text carefully to enjoy the beautiful view under the sea and have a look at these lovely animals. while you are reading, try to answer the questions on the screen and find out the main idea of each paragraph. five or six minutes later, i’ll check your work by asking someone to answer these questions and tell the class the main idea of each paragraph. are you clear?
  on the screen
  para 1 questions: 1. what did the writer do in the morning on 19th january?
  2. what did he think after seeing such extraordinary beauty?
  main idea: __________.
  para 2 questions: 1. what is the first thing he be-
  came aware of?
  2. does he think the corals are fantastic? why?
  main idea: __________
  para 3 questions: 1. did he frighten the fish when he swam among them?
  2. what fishes did he see under the sea? speak out at least three kinds.
  main idea: __________
  para 4 questions: 1. were there anything that made him feel frightened? what were they?
  2. do the sharks he mentioned hurt people?
  main idea: __________
  para 5 question: why did he say he was very brave?
  main idea: __________
  para 6 main idea: __________
  when the ss have finished their reading, check their work in the ask-and-answer way. when they sum up the main ideas, give them necessary guide and then show the suggested ideas on the screen.
  take the first one for example:
  t: now you have finished your reading, haven’t you?
  ss: yes!
  t: in para 1, what did the writer do in the morning on 19th january?
  s: he went snorkeling.
  suggested answers and main ideas:
  para 1 answers: 1. he went snorkeling.
  2. he thought every cell in his body woke up and it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.
  main idea: going snorkeling on the reef, the writer spent a day of pure magic and it was the most fantastic thing he has ever done.
  para 2 answers: 1. all the vivid colours surrounding him.
  2. yes. because they were shaped strangely like fans, plates, brains, lace and so on.
  main idea: he became aware of fantastic views under the sea, such as the wonderful colours, the strange- shaped corals, and all kinds of elegant fish.
  para 3 answers: 1. no, he didn’t. the fish didn’t seem to mind him swimming among them.
  2. he saw many beautiful fish such as anemonefish, parrotfish, angelfish, and so on.
  main idea: he saw a variety of beautiful fish and sea life under the sea.
  para 4 answers: 1. yes, there were. he didn’t want to get too close to the eel, the giant clam. and the grey reef sharks made him scared to death.
  2. no, they don’t. they are not dangerous.
  main idea: the description of some ugly and maybe dangerous creatures.
  para 5 answer: because he swam over the edge of the reef and hung there looking down into depths of the ocean.
  main idea: he felt very exposed in such deep clear water.
  para 6 main idea: sigh with emotion: what a tiny spot i was in this enormous world!
  t: very wonderful job you’ve done! now do you have any questions about the words and expressions in the passage?
  deal with some language points.
  language points:
  1. be/become aware of: get to know
  e.g. the mangers of the company have been aware of their weakness.
  i was not aware of the fire.
  add: there is another pattern about "be aware": be aware + clause
  e.g. we were quite aware that the competition was very fierce.
  are you aware how they would respond to our terms?
  2. reflect
  (1) vt. throw (light) back:
  e.g. a mirror reflects a picture of you when you look in it.
  (2) vt. express (+ clause)
  e.g. does what you said reflect how you really think?
  (3) vi. think carefully (+on)
  e.g. he reflected on my questions before answering.
  then deal with exx 1-4 on page 24.
  step ⅲ reading (2)
  reading task p66
  t: let’s come to the story about the sea goddess on page 67. look at the two pictures before you read the story. look at picture 1, which part of the world do you think this man is from?
  ss: maybe he is from the north pole.
  t: why do you think so?
  s: because we can see some icebergs.
  s: and he is paddling a canoe and wearing thick clothes.
  t: then, what do you think his clothes are made of?
  s: if he does live in the area of the north pole, i guess his clothes are made of animal furs.
  t: that makes sense. look at picture 2. have you seen pictures like this before?
  ss: yes.
  t: where did you see them?
  ss: in the picture books of fairy tale. / on tv programs.
  t: do you know any story that involves a creature like her? what is the story?
  ss: the fairy tale written by andersen, "the little mermaid".
  t: very good! now let’s glance through the story quickly and match the paragraph with the correct sentence in ex 2 on page 68.
  after the ss have finished it, check the answers.
  t: in fact, each sentence is the main idea of its corresponding paragraph. have you find that?
  then deal with ex 3. let the ss read the story again and answer the questions. at last, check the answers.
  suggested answers:
  1. because her father was getting old and he could not look after her daughter any more.
  2. he was afraid that sedna wouldn’t agree to marry him if she knew he was not a man but a sea bird.
  3. because the bird man caused a sea storm with anger and sedna’s father was so frightened that he grabbed sedna and threw her into the sea.
  4. maybe sedna’s father was once seriously hurt by the bird man. so he was frightened of the bird man.
  5. yes. because when she is angry, she keeps all the animals in the sea away from the hunters, who depend on the sea for their survival. and i think that is a magic power the nature offers to her for her beauty, clearness and kindness.
  if time allows, ask the ss to talk about the story concerning its moral education.
  t: what do you feel after you read the story? what do you think of sedna and her father? what do you think the story is trying to convey? or what have you learned from this story? now think about these questions.
  possible idea 1:
  i think it is a miserable story. firstly, it is wrong for sedna’s father to force his daughter to marry a man. even worse, when he realized he was wrong and tried to help his daughter to escape, he actually gave up facing the threatening and terrifying from the bird man. and the worst thing is that he himself threw his daughter into the sea and that killed his own daughter. i hate the father. he is a coward.
  possible idea 2:
  i don’t think it is a beautiful legend. sedna was a beautiful and kind girl. she refused all the men who wished to marry her because she loved her father, but her father didn’t know that. on the contrary, he forced his daughter to marry a man she didn’t love. what was worse, he gave in to the bird man who frightened them with violence and threw his daughter into the sea, even cut off his daughter’s fingers. what a father! he is so cruel! i think the bad father would be punished by god.
  the fifth period communication and writing
  teaching goals 教学目标
  1. target language 目标语言
  a. 重点词汇和短语
  pure magic, extraordinary beauty, fantastic thing, scared to death
  b. 功能句式
  that’s not good enough.
  i’m sorry but ...
  i’m afraid ...
  i’m feeling (annoyed with / unhappy about / unsatisfied with ...).
  i’m not feeling (happy about / satisfied with ...).
  i’d like to talk to the manager.
  i’d like a full refund.
  that’s no good for me.
  i’d like a refund, please.
  2. ability goals能力目标
  enable the ss to describe a place and the plants or animals there with the target language.
  enable the ss to make complaint using the expressions given.
  3. learning ability goals学能目标
  help the ss learn how to write a description of a place and the plants or animals there with the target language.
  help the ss learn how to make complaint with the target language.
  teaching important and difficult points教学重难点
  help the ss to master the useful expressions and learn to use them to express blame and complaint in certain situations.
  teaching methods教学方法
  discussing, guided writing and speaking.
  teaching aids教具准备
  a projector and a computer.
  teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
  step ⅰ revision
  t: good morning / afternoon everyone!
  ss: good morning / afternoon, sir / madam!
  t: yesterday, i asked you to work in groups to check the meanings of the expressions given on page 24 and talk about the times you had feeling like these. have you done that? now who would like to tell about a time you had these feelings?
  then ask some ss to tell about the times they had feelings like these.
  possible descriptions:
  sa: i had a day of pure magic last summer. my parents took me for a tour in benxi, liaoning province. when we went into a cavern, we saw icicle-shaped stalactites (钟乳石) grotesque in shape, hanging from the roof of the cavern. when the stalactites were lighted by the colorful lights, they looked extraordinary beauty. then we took a boat floating on the river, it was very dark. our boat hit the rock of the bank now and then, making my heart beating wildly. the exploring tour was the most fantastic thing i have ever done.
  sb: you really had a magic day! when i went to the great wall, i also had a fantastic feeling. you see, when i was climbing a narrow iron ladder straight up to a high watchtower, i felt scared to death and my heart was beating wildly. but when i reached the top of the watchtower and looked out over the mountains, every cell in my body woke up. my mood was extraordinary good and it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.
  sc: the time i spent at shengya—the world under the sea, an aquarium in dalian, may be compared with yours. when i got into the aquarium under the sea, i felt like discovering a whole new dimension of life. a variety of beautiful fish and many other ocean animals, which i couldn’t call their names, were swimming around and the colorful sea plants were waving softly following the current of the sea. seeing such extraordinary beauty in the world, i felt every cell in my body woke up. that was really a day of pure magic.
  stepⅱwriting (1)
  t: in last period we read a dairy, in which the writer used very beautiful words and phrases to describe colours, patterns, shapes and behaviour of the animals. now please write a paragraph to describe a place and the plants or animals there. you can read the third and the fourth paragraph of the dairy as model for your own writing. five or six minutes later i’ll check your work.
  the ss will read the third and fourth paragraph before they start writing. when they are writing, the teacher should walk around to see if they have any problems to deal with. five or six minutes later, show one or two copies on the screen and check them with the whole class.
  sample writing:
  when we came into the arboretum, our sight was attracted by all the vivid colours of varieties of flowers at once—reds, yellows, purples, white, blue, pinks, oranges and so on. i loved lilies very much, which were shaped like horns. the white ones were the most sweet-smelling with large size; the pink ones were beautiful in both colour and sweet and the orange ones were vivid in colour with no sweet and small size. i loved roses the best. they have all advantages in the large flower sizes, good-looking shapes, rich colours and sweet smell. a new type of rose named blue yaoji was so charming that i just wanted to kiss the gem-blue flowers. the butterfly orchids were both rare and beautiful. they came from taiwan province with a long bloom time. they got the name butterfly orchids because of the flower shapes badly like butterflies. most of them were purples and white. but i found a yellow kind, on which the flowers were a bit small like yellow jade. they were really beautiful. seeing the extraordinary beauty, i felt every cell in my body woke up. it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.
  step ⅲ speaking
  speaking and writing p27
  t: in our daily life, we sometimes meet with something unpleasant and make complaint. so when you go to another country, you should learn to complain politely, then you may get a good solution. look at the three situations on page 27. have you ever met these situations in your life? what did you say at that time? or what will you say if you are in such situations? think about it. ... now read the expressions above the situations and see how they can help you to make complaint for each of the situation. then work in pairs, choose one situation and make up a dialogue for it.
  after a while, check their work by asking several pairs to act out their dialogues.
  possible dialogue 1:
  sa: you see, i missed my flight, official.
  sb: don’t worry. you can take the next flight. we won’t charge more.
  sa: you won’t charge more? i mean i’d like a refund, please.
  sb: i’m sorry but we don’t have that term.
  sa: i missed my flight because you didn’t announced the delay of the flight over the loudspeaker. you delayed my tour and you bear responsibility for it.
  sb: let’s try to find a better solution.
  possible dialogue 2:
  sa: waiter!
  sb: yes?
  sa: the fish i ordered tastes terrible. i’d like to talk to the manager.
  sb: i’m sorry. i’m the manager. i’ll ask them to change the fish for you at once.
  sa: that’s not good enough. coming here to have a meal should be a pleasant thing, how can you offer me such bad food. i’m feeling very unsatisfied with your service.
  sb: i’m sorry. but how can we make you satisfied?
  sa: i’d like a good dish and a full refund.
  sb: i’m afraid we can’t do that. but we can send you another dish.
  possible dialogue 3:
  sa: look at the trousers! they are too short for me.
  sb: i’m sorry. let me have a look at them. well, don’t worry, i can mend them for you.
  sa: that’s no good for me. i’m not feeling happy about a pair of mended trousers.
  sb: i have a good idea. i’ll add laces along the cuffs. they will look beautiful and fashionable.
  sa: but i’d still like a refund.
  sb: as i delayed your wearing, i agree to give you a quarter refund. is it ok?
  sa: that’s ok.
  then ask the ss to write down their dialogues on their exercise books.
  step ⅳ writing (2)
  writing task p68
  t: we have learned the story of sedna. can you retell the story? you may feel it difficult to retell such a long story. don’t worry. turn to page 68. look at the topic sentences of each paragraph, using them as a guide. then you will find it easier to tell the story. now work with your partner, take turns to tell the story.
  show the topic sentences on the screen. ask a student to retell the story before the class. then get the ss to write down the story inpidually, using the topic sentences as a guide.
  sample writing:
  sedna was a lovely and beautiful inuit girl and she didn’t want to get married because she loved her father very much and didn’t want to leave her father alone. but her father told her that she must marry a man. so the next day sedna agreed to marry a stranger, who promised her a good life. but when she followed the man to his place, she discovered that her husband was a bird! sedna felt so unhappy that she cried every day, calling her father’s name. when her father heard the crying of his daughter, he decided to help her to escape. when the bird man found that his wife was not there, he was so angry that he caught up with the canoe, which sedna and her father were paddling back, and caused a sea storm. sedna’s father was so frightened of the bird man that he threw sedna into the sea. as sedna sank to the bottom of the ocean, she became a sea goddess. from then on, the inuit believe that sedna has power over the animals in the sea, so they show her great respect, especially after they catch sea animals.
  t: very good. now read the questions in the table of ex 4 to assess your own writing, revising and making corrections if necessary.
  after they have finished writing, let them assess their own writings and their partners’ according to the table in ex 4. this activity will help the ss to find their problems and improve their writing ability.
  附 件
  oceanic seahorse
  fragile and mystical, the oceanic seahorse (hippocampus kuda) is probably what you see when you close your eyes and think of seahorses. while not the most exotic species of seahorse, it is a classic representation of a beautiful and fascinating fish. you’ll see many types of seahorses at shedd.
  oceanic seahorses may be yellow, deep red, brown, or black and may be blotched or banded. they can reach about 7 inches in adulthood. the oceanic seahorse is also known as the common seahorse, but the sad truth is that all seahorses are becoming less and less common. and it’s precisely their ethereal, otherworldly charm that has gotten them into trouble.
  we’ve been enchanted by these creatures for millennia. from practitioners of ancient chinese medicine to tourists in florida, we’ve believed their magic gave us wondrous things — arthritis cures, love elixirs, even key chains.
  now, because of that, they face a high risk of extinction in the wild. seahorses cannot produce enough offspring to replace the huge numbers fished for medicines, pets and souvenirs. there are several reasons for this. first, they are monogamous, and if one of the pair is captured, it can take a long time for the remaining partner to mate again. second, the striking ringed armor that protects seahorses from many predators does not develop until they’re adults so perhaps only two in a thousand juvenile seahorses reach adulthood.
  green sea turtle—characteristics
  green sea turtles get their name from the color of their body fat, which is green from the algae or grasses they eat. the hawaiian green sea turtle population, is known by its hawaiian name honu
  green sea turtles are reptiles whose ancestors evolved on land and returned to the sea to live. the first turtles appeared during the triassic period, 245 to 208 million years ago. fossils for the earliest known sea turtles appear in the late jurassic period, 208 to 144 million years ago. turtles are one of the few species that watched the dinosaurs evolve and become extinct.
  as reptiles, sea turtles possess the following traits:
  * they are cold-blooded, meaning they get their
  body heat from the environment.
  * they breathe air.
  * their skin is scale
  now, scientists recognize seven species of these marine reptiles. the recognized sea turtle species are as follows: greens, hawksbill, kemp’s ridley, olive ridley, loggerhead, flatback and leatherback. the loggerhead sea turtle is listed as threatened, the flatback is listed as vulnerable, and all other species are listed as endangered. green sea turtle populations of hawaii are threatened and protected in hawaii under state law. populations of green sea turtles off the coast of florida and the pacific coast of mexico are listed as endangered. green sea turtles are protected by the federal endangered species act, and listed under the convention on international trade of endangered species (cites). cites makes it illegal to import or export turtle products.
  in addition to their reptilian traits, all species of turtles except the leatherback have evolved a bony outer shell, which protects them from predators. the leatherback is the only soft-shelled sea turtle and is in a family by itself. the shell covers the dorsal (back) and ventral (belly) surfaces of a sea turtle. the dorsal portion of the shell is the carapace and is covered with scale-like structures called scutes, while the ventral portion of the shell is known as the plastron. experts can identify species of sea turtles by the number and pattern of scutes on the carapace. the shell is considered the most highly developed protective armor of any vertebrate species. while most land turtles can retract their heads into their shells for added protection, sea turtles cannot and their heads remain out at all times.
  green sea turtles have green flesh. the carapace is olive brown to black, while the plastron is pale yellow to creamy white. the carapace is molted, variegated in color. rarely will you find a green sea turtle with a solid colored shell. counter-shading of the shell conceals the turtle from predators, making it difficult to distinguish the dark carapace from the sea floor and the light plastron from the lighter sky.
  green sea turtles as hatchlings weigh about an ounce and have a carapace length of 2 inches. a sexually mature green sea turtle weighs 200-350 pounds with a carapace length of 2.5 feet. adults grow to a carapace length of 3.5 feet and weigh an average of 400 pounds. one of the largest turtles that ever lived from the late cretaceaus period, 144 to 65 million years ago, reached a length of 9.8 -13 feet.
  the lifespan of sea turtles is not known. it is believed that green sea turtles reach sexual maturity around the age of 25 years and can live up to 80 years of age. the long period of maturation helps to explain why it takes turtles so many years to recover from a population decline.
  sea turtles are wonderfully adapted to life in the ocean. their shells are lighter and more streamlined than land turtles. front and rear limbs have evolved into flippers. these flippers make sea turtles efficient and graceful swimmers, capable of swimming long distances in a short time.
