

  一. 知识总结与归纳:
  首先要理解整个短文的含义,逻辑关系,篇章结构。在仔细研究每一句的意 义。借助划分句子成分的方法判断每一部分是否有错误。读句子时一定以整句为单位。
  在研究每一行的句子时,首先把握句子的意思,然后划分句子的成分:主 语;谓语部分;宾语;状语:地点,时间,方式等。如果句子是并列句或复合句,先分开各部分小的分句,根据各个分句之间的关系判断使用的连词是否正确。然后 再研究各个分句的成分。
  1. we study quite a few subject, such as maths, chinese, english and physics.:subject是可数名词根据本句的意思,前面有quite a few修饰,应当改为复数形式。
  2. we practise three times every week and often watch football match on tv together.:根据本句的意思match在此应当改为复数形式。
  3. on the way up i was taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.:picture应当改成复数形式,因为作者一路上忙于照相,不止仅照一张像。
  1. my favourite sport is football. i was a member of our school team. :全句的基本时态应当是现在时,was应改为am
  2. playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit.:主谓一致的错误。give的主语是playing football,动名词作主语是单数形 式,应改为:gives
  3. …the scenery was so beautiful. the time passes quickly. evening came down.:时态错误。全句是过去时态,passes 改为passed
  4. as we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories.:动词形式的错误。句中有三个连续的动作做谓语。因此visit不是 伴随状语,是第二个谓语动词,应该为visited.
  1. not far from the hotel, there was a shop with all kinds of clothes hang up.:hang up在此做定语修饰先行词clothes,应改为现在分词形式表示挂着各种衣服。
  2. he had worked on farms and in shops where he spent his spare time studied by himself.:定语从句是说:他把业余时间花在学习上,按句型结构:spend some time doing something.所以studied应改为:studying.
  1. i’m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together.:形容词与副词混用。have a wonderful time:过得非常愉快。wonderfully 改为:wonderful
  2. people will work few hours than they do now. :这是一个含比较级的句子。(句 中有than),few 改为比较级形式fewer
  3. computers will be more smaller and useful….:比较级smaller前面的修饰词应该是副词much。more与多音节形容词或副词原形构成比较级。more改为much
  4. last week, i went to a movie, which was very moved. 形容词moved指人受到感动。本句的定语从句的主语是movie。应当是moving.
  1. my class will be over by then or i will pick you up there. : 前后两句的关系是并列关系or应改为:and
  2. my grandma was the best cook in the world but could make the most delicious dishes. 前后两句是并列关系不具有转折意义but改为:and
  3. it doesn’t matter that i would win or not. matter后面的从句是whether…or not结构。that改为:whether
  (五)代词的错误使用:代词的使用错误主要出现在代词(物主代词,人称代词,反身代词)在句中指代错误,做代词与指代的名词在数,性别, 以及格上的不一致。例题:
  1. the smiths did his best to make me feel at home.
  句子的主语the smiths指smith全家,是复数形式,谓语do one’s best 中的one’s作为物主代词应当和主语一致,his应当改为their.
  2. at once i apologized and controlled me at my best till the dinner started.
  3. there will be more people in the world and most of whom will live longer than people live now.
  本句是and 连接的并列句,whom 连接的是定语从句。所以whom应当改为them.
  4. the sport teaches us the importance of obedience. each player must obey the captain, who is the leader of the team. and they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game.
  (六)冠词的使用错误:冠词的使用错误主要表现在:the / a / an 之间的误用;缺少冠词,多余冠词;这些错误通过对句义的理解,特别是句中名词的意义,运用所学的冠词的基础知识就可以发现并正确改正这些 错误。
  1. as everyone knows, it’s  famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.
  根据句义:这是一座名山。明显地发现这里缺少了表示"一个"的不定冠 词。应在famous前加上a
  2. they had the wonderful evening and came home quite late.
  根据句义:他们过了一个非常愉快的夜晚。过得很愉快:have a good/wonderful time. the应改为:a
  3. he wrote a message and put it in the bottle. the message gave hi name and address….
  4. after i put down the receiver, the phone rang the third time.
  根据句义:根据句义:电话又一次响起来。这里不是说"第三次",而是指 "再一次"。the 改为:a
  1. i have arrived in america for two months.
  1. it was about noon  we arrived at the foot of the mountain.
  it was about noon是全句的主句,后面应是一个时间状语从句。表示:当我们到达山脚下时,已经是中午了。此处缺少了连词when
  2. if it doesn’t work, bring in  friend that you feel comfortable , and have him or help you.
  根据句义:如果这还不奏效,那么带一个你与之在一起感到舒服的朋友来,friend前面缺少表示"一个"的冠词:a; 定语从句最后应加上介词:with
  1. i hope that both you two could come and visit us some time soon.
  本句前面已经有both, 后面再出现two 显然多余,应去掉two.
  2. you might have to change for your method a couple of times.
  3. when i was a boy, the most exciting thing was when to celebrate the spring festival.
  4. the fine-furniture store  i work has been in business since the 1920s.:i work是定语从句修饰先行词the fine-furniture store,the fine-furniture store在从句中做地点状语,应加关系副词where.
  同学们做题时应先快速通读全文,了解文章的大意,使自己进入到文章的语 境情节中去;然后结合每一组备选答案,通过句义运用词汇知识,上下文逻辑,以及相关的语法知识,短语知识选择答案,同时学会从文中找复现词的提示。做完以 后,再通读全文,验证所选的答案是否能使文章的意思通畅,符合逻辑。
  (一)学会利用前后文的复现词找答案,有时某一个空的答案在全文之后的某处根据句子意思再次出现,正好提供了此处的答案。词汇复现的方式 主要有:原词复现;进义词复现; 反义词复现,同源词复现等。
  1. forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesn’t __ your memory; it only tightens it.
  a. loosen b. weaken c. decrease d. reduce
  2. one day he told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and __ as much land area as he like, he would give him the area of land he had covered.
  a. remove b. cover c. sow d. get
  分析:国王答应骑手可以得到他骑马能跑到的地方。与前面说的让骑手尽可能多得 跑到他能跑到的地方。最后的cover提示了这个空的答案。
  1. sometimes, when you need rain, you don’t get any. other times, you get rain when you don’t want it. take a baseball game for example. a sudden rainstorm can stop an exciting game, forcing the players and the 20,000 persons watching the game to run for_____.
  a. cover b. umbrella c. building d. home
  分析:作者以棒球比赛为例说明了下雨对人们生活的影响。一场突然降临的暴雨迫 使队员和2万名观众跑去"做什么"。在体育场的人不可能跑去拿"雨伞"或"回 家",去找"建筑物"也不太可能。cover:遮蔽,遮盖。在此引申为避雨的地方。所以答案为a
  2. traveling west, you set your clock ___; traveling east, you set it ahead.
  a. behind b. forward c. back d. ahead
  3. …paco has discovered that people act in predictable ways when they are shopping. successful shops adapt themselves to these habits. for example, people tend to _1__ to the right when they enter a building. that is why many shops have their entrance on the __2_. also when they enter shops, people who speed up need space to __3__ down. that is why there is often a(n) ___4__ space just inside a shop door giving people a ___5__ to make themselves at home.
  1. a. lead b. stick c. turn d. join
  2. a. right b. left c. side d. way
  3. a. slow b. go c. look d. put
  4. a. empty b. useful c. standing d. living
  5. a. lesson b. spirit c. picture d. chance
  1. 考查了词语的搭配,人们倾向于向右转,turn to the right,答案为:c
  2. 考查上下文的逻辑理解;上文说人们习惯向右转,所以入口设计在左边,答案:b
  3. 考查上下文的逻辑理解;当人们匆匆进了商场,需要有一个空间来放慢速度。此空与前面的speed up 想对应。答案为a
  4. 基于上文描述的人们的习惯—进了商场以后需要放慢速度。商场入口处常常有一个空间。答案:a
  5. 接前面,这个空间给了人们一个机会,是他们有一种到家的感觉。这是在考查词义的辨析,答案:d
  (三)词义辨析突破:要求学生在掌握提问中心,明确上下文关系的前提下,能够区分词义在不同语境中的区别,程度的深浅,词义的外延以及感 情色彩的不同。要注意准确,全方位的掌握单词的词义。例题分析:
  1.music has meaning for everyone. it is enjoyed by the old and the young men and women. it can make people happy and sad. in our modern world, radios and television __ us with a constant flows of music, giving us enjoyment. either in a music lesson or at a concert, music means different things to different people. music belongs to the whole world.
  a. give b. surprise c. offer d. supply
  分析:这一段主要说音乐影响着所有男女老幼,它能给人们带来快乐或悲伤。give的用法是give sb. sth .后面不需要介词with; surprise词义本身不符合本句的需要;offer的用法与give一样。而supply的用法是supply somebody with something.符合本句的意思和结构。答案为d
  2. the news __ twenty minutes later. the gunman had stopped a car for a ride, and then pushed out the driver. he was possibly heading for the southern state parkway in a white ford. license plate number ljr 1939. the voice of the announcer continued…
  a. continued b. lasted c. spread d. arrived
  分析:上文提到todd听到了抢劫银行的消息。此段接上文描写了todd听到消 息的后续内容。所以,一开始说:二十分钟以后,消息又继续播出。spread: 传播;arrived:到达;它们都不符合本句的意思。last:持续,指会议等活动或事件自始至终用了多长时间。也不符合本句意思。只有continued:继续。为正确答案。
  1. if you want to know the train schedule, please at the booking office.
  a. acquire b. inquire c. request d. require
  2. —have you heard that sadam hussein has been hanged?
  —yes,_____ news came as_____ shock to me.
  a. the ; a b. the; the c. a; a d. a; the
  3. —how long do you think it’ll be ____i can go back to school?
  —well, you’ll be feeling much better by next weekend.
  a. that b. before c. since d. when
  4. my laptop computer, which no one can ____ , has been out of order for a week.
  a. get gone b. have to go c. get going d. have gone
  5. mr. black left for beijing this morning, his secretary ____ him there this friday.
  a. would join b. joined c. joining d. to join
  6. there can be ____places for a refreshing holiday than disney world.
  a. few better b. fewer good c. few good d. fewer better
  7. —he should have been warned of the danger.
  —______ , but he wouldn’t listen to me.
  a. so he was b. so was he c. so should he d. so he should
  8. —our chinese athletes won 165 gold medals in the 15th asian games in doha.
  —so they did. all papers today _____the news on the front page.
  a. carried b. delivered c. held d. existed
  9. in this country it is required that anyone who ______ recently come here ______ this kind of test.
  a. has; passes b. has; passed c. have; pass d. has; pass
  10. —it is said that jack is very rich and is always changing his private cars. what is he?
  — _______, i am not sure.
  a. somebody of a manager b. something of a manager
  c. anyone of a manager     d. anything of a manager
  11. —do you know why ann is ill?
   —yes, she ____ more work than she can cope with.
  a. takes out  b. takes down  c. takes on  d. takes in
  12. i don’t like the noise of these jet aircraft, but i’ve learned to ______ it.
  a. stand with b. stay with c. live with d. work with
  13. —i really should be on my way.
  —oh, not yet! at least have one cup of coffee for the road.
  —no. _______.
  a. i know the road b. i have to leave early
  c. i don’t want any more d. thanks all the same
  14. chinese are very generous when it comes to _______ their children. _______ about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad
  a. educating; not caring b. educate; don’t care
  c. educate; not cared c. educating; never care
  15. it is few people, _______ have come to ask for the position, _______ fit for the job.
  a. who ; who do i think is b. that ; i think is
  c. that ; who i think are d. who ; that i think are
  第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  it was the night before the composition was due. as i looked at the list of topics, " the art of eating spaghetti (意大利面条)" caught my eyes. the word "spaghetti" brought back the ___16__ of an evening at uncle allen’s in belleville ___17__ all of us were seated around the table and aunt pat ___18__ spaghetti for supper. spaghetti was an exotic (外来的)treat in __19___ days. never i eaten spaghetti, and __20__ of the grown-ups had enough experience to be ___21__ it. what laughing __22__ we had about the __23__ respectable method for moving spaghetti from plate to mouth.. __24_, i wanted to write about that, but i wanted to __25___ it down simply for my own __26__, not for mr. fleagle, my composition teacher. __27__, i would write something else.
  when i finished it the night was half gone and there was no __28__ left to write a proper composition for mr. fleagle. there was no choice next morning but to __29__ my work. two days passed before mr. fleagle returned the __30__ papers. he said, " now, class, i want to read you a composition, ‘the art of eating spaghetti’."
  my words! he was reading my words out __31__ to the whole class. __32__ laughed, then the whole class was laughing with open-hearted enjoyment. i did my best not to show ___33__, but what i was feeling was pure happiness, __34__ my words had the power to make people __35__.
  16. a. memory b. thought c. knowledge d. experience
  17. a. when b. where c. since d. after
  18. a. cooked b. served c. got d. made
  19. a. their b. past c. last d. those
  20. a. none b. one c. some d. neither
  21. a. careful about b. good at c. fond of d. interested in
  22. a. speeches b. lessons c. sayings d. arguments
  23. a. nearly b. naturally c. officially d. socially
  24. a. especially b. probably c. suddenly d. fortunately
  25. a. settle b. put c. take d. let
  26. a. work b. story c. luck d. joy
  27. a. however b. therefore c. as for him d. except for that
  28. a. time b. excuse c. way d. idea
  29. a. give up b. continue c. hand in d. delay
  30. a. written b. graded c. collected d. signed
  31. a. loud b. fast c. publicly d. calmly
  32. a. people b. nobody c. somebody d. i
  33. a. shock b. wonder c. worry d. pleasure
  34. a. if b. for c. while d. although
  35. a. excited b. satisfied c. think d. laugh
  most employers say that they wish to employ the right person for the right job. a recent report by britain’s independent institute of manpower studies,however,disagrees with this. the report states that most employers wish to avoid employing the wrong person. rather than looking for the right person,they are looking for applicants to turn down.
  the report also suggests that in britain and in many other parts of the world,the selection methods used to pick out the right person for the job certainly do not match up to those used to judge a piece of new equipment. employers used three main selection methods: interviewing,checking resume (简历) or application forms and examining references. most of the employers asked in this survey (调查) stated that these selection methods were used more for "weeding out" unsuitable applicants rather than for finding suitable ones.
  interviews were considered to be more reliable (可信赖的) than either resume checks or references from past employers. research,however,proves otherwise. interviewers’ decisions are often strongly influenced by their earlier judgment of the written application. also,different employers view facts differently. one may consider applicants who have frequently changed jobs as people with broad and useful experience. another will see such applicants as unreliable and unlikely to stay for long in the new job.
  some employers place great importance on academic qualifications (专业资格) while the link between this and success in management is not necessarily strong. some employers use handwriting as a standard. the report states that there is little evidence to support the value of the latter for judging working ability. references,also,are sometime unreliable as they are not very important,while checks on credit (信誉) and security records and applicants’ political opinions are often the opposite.
  the report is more favorable towards trainability tests and those which test personality and personal and mental skills. the report concludes by suggesting that interviewing could become more reliable if the questions were arranged in a careful,organized system and focused on the needs of the employing organization.
  36. the pictures on the right ________.
  a. present the interviewers’ tricks to refuse the wrong applicants
  b. show that age is quite important for the job applicants
  c. inform us of some questions asked by the interviewers
  d. tell us an interesting story happening in the interview
  37. what does "the latter" in paragraph 4 refer to ?
  a. the standard. b. the report.
  c. academic qualification. d. handwriting.
  38. according to the report,which of the following can be more reliable?
  a. tests on academic skills. 
  b. broad working experience.
  c. interviews with well-organized questions.
  d. the interviewers’ opinions about applicants.
  39. what’s the best title for the article?
  a. what are job applicants looking for?
  b. what are employers looking for?
  c. how are interview tests prepared?
  d. how are selection methods improving?
  paris in the springtime was , is and always will be , something rather special . why not experience it for yourself with this excellent break for four days ? this attractive city has something to offer to everyone and with prices at just £129.
  your break begins with comfortable bus transfer (运送) from local pick-up points and travel to paris is via cross-channel ferry , arriving at your hotel in the evening . the ibis is an excellent quality hotel with private equipments in all rooms : satellite tv, radio , telephone and alarm clock . it has a bar and restaurant and is situated about two miles south of notre dame enabling you to explore paris with ease .
  the following day , after continental breakfast (included), the bus takes you on a comprehensive sightseeing tour of the city , during which you will see the eiffel tower , champs elysees , l’arc de triomphe , the louvre ,in fact almost every famous landmark you have ever heard of . you then leave paris and take a short drive to the magnificent palace of versailles , the home of louis xiv. the tour ends mid-afternoon back in paris where you will have the remainder of the day at your leisure. in the evening there is a " paris by night" tour showing you the beautiful buildings with bright lights .
  day three takes you to montmarter , perhaps the most attractive quarter of paris and home of the sacre coeur and the moulin rouge . in the afternoon you are free to explore this beautiful city as you wish , perhaps a pleasure voyage on the river seine , wander around the beautiful gardens or look among the antique shops (古董店). in the evening you will have the opportunity to visit the best nightclub in the city , the splendid paradis latain . on the final day it’s back to the uk via channel ferry .
  included in the price of £129 per person :
  return comfortable bus travel to paris
  return ferry crossings
  3 nights housing in a twin bedded room in a central paris hotel with private facilities
  continental breakfast during your stay
  guided sightseeing tour of "paris by day" and paris by night"
  visit to the chateau of versailles (admission not included )
  tour around montmartre
  services of experienced bi-lingual tour guide at all times
  40. what is the purpose of this passage ?
  a. to show the price of traveling to paris
  b. to tell tourists the routs to paris .
  c. to introduce the city of paris .
  d. to attract tourists to paris .
  41. during the stay in paris , the tourists will .
  a. have a "paris by night" tour on the first evening
  b. live in a hotel two miles away from paris
  c. have free time for half a day
  d. have a pleasure voyage on the river seine together
  42. what does the underlined word quarter mean in the passage ?
  a. an area of a town .
  b. a period of 15 minutes .
  c. a coin used in the us and canada worth 25 cents .
  d. one of four equal parts into which something can be pided .
  43. according to the passage , which of the following is true ?
  a. the palace of versailles is not in the center of paris .
  b. te tourists can telephone in the ibis without paying .
  c. it will take you a long time to got to montmartre from paris.
  d. the tourists will spend the night in the antique shops on the third day .
  the fridge is considered necessary. it has been so since the 1960s when packaged food list appeared with the label: "store in the refrigerator."
  in my fridgeless fifties childhood, i was fed well and healthy. the milkman came every day, the grocer, the butcher, the baker, and the ice—cream man delivered two or three times each week. the sunday meat would last until wednesday and surplus(剩余)bread and milk became all kinds of cakes. nothing was wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. thirty years on food deliveries have ceased, fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the country.
  the invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation. many well-tried technique already existed natural cooling, drying, smoking, salting, sugaring, bottling(瓶装)…
  what refrigeration did produce was marketing - marketing hardware and electricity, marketing soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the world in search of a good price.
  so most of the world’s fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they might prove useful, but in the rich countries with mild temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary. every winter, millions of fridges hum(嗡嗡声) away continuously, and at vast expense, busily maintaining an artificially—cooled spare inside an artificially—heated house—while out—side, nature provides the desired temperature free of charge.
  the fridge’s effect upon the environment has been evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been not important. if you don’t believe me, try it yourself, invest a food cabinet and turn off your fridge next winter. you may not eat the hamburgers, but at least you’ll get rid of that terrible hum.
  44.the statement "in my fridge less fifties childhood, i was fed well and healthily." suggests that_____.
  a. the author was well-fed and healthy even without a fridge in his fifties
  b. the author was not accustomed to use fridges even in his fifties
  c. there was no fridge in the author"s home in the 1950s
  d. the fridge was in its early stage of development in the 1950s
  45. why does the author say that nothing was wasted before the invention of fridges?
  a. people would not buy more food than was necessary
  b. food was delivered to people two or three times a week
  c. food was sold fresh and didn"t get rotten easily
  d. people had effective ways to preserve their food
  46. benefited the least from fridges according to the author?
  a. inventors b. consumers
  c. manufacturers d. traveling salesmen
  47. which of the following phrases in the fifth paragraph indicates the fridge’s negative effect
  on the environment?
  a. hum away continuously
  b. climatically almost unnecessary.
  c. artificially -cooled space
  d. with mild temperatures
  are teachers doing their jobs?
  the speaker,a teacher from a college in california,addressed a supportive audience. heads nodded in agreement when he said,"high school english teachers are not doing their jobs." he described the inability of his students,all high school graduates who can use language only at a grade 9 level. i was unable to determine from his answers to my questions how this grade 9 level had been set up.
  in my view,what the speaker was really saying is that he is no longer young;he has been teaching for sixteen years,and is able to think and speak in a sensible and reasonable way.
  my point is that the frequent complaint (指责) of one generation about the one immediately following it is unavoidable. it is also human nature to look for the reasons for our dissatisfaction. before english became a school subject in the late nineteenth century,it was difficult to find the focus of the blame for language imperfection. but since then,english teachers have been under continuous attack.
  the complainers think they have hit upon an original idea. as their own ability to use the language improves,they notice that young people do not have this same ability. unaware that their own ability has developed through the years,they assume the new generation of young people must be hopeless in this case. to the eyes and ears of sensitive adults,the language of the young always seems not good enough.
  since this concern about the decline and fall of the english language is not seen as something that happens to a generation but rather as something new and strange to today’s young people,it naturally follows that today’s english teachers cannot be doing their jobs. otherwise,young people would not have such poor language abilities.
  48. the speaker believes that the students’ poor english results from ________.
  a. the ineffective work of the english teachers
  b. the unawareness of language learning methods
  c. the inability of the students o learn the language
  d. the imperfection of english standards for 9-level students
  49. in the author’s opinion,the speaker _________.
  a. can think and speak intelligently
  b. has overstated the language problems of the students
  c. is right in saying english teachers are not doing their jobs
  d. makes a professional judgment on the students’ english level
  50. in paragraph 4 the author points out _______.
  a. what leads to the complainers’ dissatisfaction
  b. what complainers’ reaction is towards young people
  c. how the complainers’ opinions form through the years
  d. how sensitive the complainers are in the young people’s eye
  phobia is extreme and continuous fear of a specific object,situation,or activity. because of this fear,the phobic person often leads a limited life. the anxiety is typically far greater than it should be in the real situation,and the sufferer is well aware that the fear is unreasonable.
  phobic anxiety is distinguishable (辨别) from other forms of anxiety only in that it occurs specifically in relation to a certain object or situation. this anxiety is characterized by physiological (生 理) signs such as a rapid heartbeat,stomach disorders and so on. some phobic people are able to face their fears. more commonly,however,they avoid the situation or object that causes the fear — an avoidance that reduces the sufferer’s freedom.
  psychiatrists (精神科医 生) recognize three major types of phobias. simple phobias are fears of specific objects or situations such as animal,closed spaces,and heights. the second type,agoraphobia,is a fear of open,public places and situations,from which escape is difficult;agoraphobics tend increasingly to avoid more situations until in the end they become unable to go out of their house. social phobias,the third type,are fears of appearing stupid or shameful in social situations. taken together,the phobias are believed to affect 5 to 10 persons in 100.agoraphobia and simple phobia are more commonly recognized in women than in men.
  behavioral techniques have proved successful in treating phobias,especially simple and social phobias. one technique,systematic desensitization,is gradually facing the phobic person with situations or objects that are increasingly close to the feared ones. exposure therapy,another behavioral method,has recently been shown more affective. in this technique,phobics are repeatedly faced with the feared situation or object so that they can see that can see that no harm happens to them;the fear gradually fades. antianxiety drugs have also proved successful in treating some phobias.
  51. people suffering from agoraphobia may end up _________.
  a. shutting themselves up at home
  b. receiving operations in the hospitals
  c. staying in crowded supermarkets
  d. appearing in social situations frequently
  52. paragraph 2 is mainly about _______ of phobic anxiety.
  a. the bad effects b. the major types
  c. the characteristics d. the physical signs
  53. we can learn from the passage that ________.
  a. most people have ever suffered from social phobia
  b. normal people know that the fears of phobics is necessary
  c. women are more likely to suffer from agoraphobia than men
  d. over 15% of people are affected by phobic anxiety
  54. systematic desensitization and exposure therapy are similar ways of treating phobias because both _______.
  a. use antianxiety medicine
  b. are equally affective
  c. face phobics with the same situation
  d. are behavioral methods
  55. the purpose of writing this passage is _________.
  a. to advise people how to avoid phobia
  b. to give some information about phobia
  c. to describe different situations of phobia
  d. to explain why people suffer from phobia
  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  if you are taking an english exam, do not only 56.
  learn rules of grammar. try to read stories of 57. __
  english. speaking english whenever you can. 58. __
  a few days after the exam you should go to bed early. 59. __
  do not stay up later at night studying before you 60. __
  start the exam. read careful over the question paper, and 61. __
  try to understand an exact meaning of each question. 62. __
  when you have at last been finished your exam, 63. __
  read over your answers. correct the mistake if there 64. __
  are any and make sure that you have missed anything. 65. __
  第二节 开放作文(25分)
  the problem of raising dogs in cities is a hot topic in newspapers now. please read the following two sentences and choose on (only one as your own topic and go on to finish the whole paragraph. give at least three reasons to support yourselves.)
  words you might need; 排泄物 waste 做伴;keep one’s company
  (1)too many pet dogs will spoil the city life.
  (2)dogs are people’s friends.
  1. b inquire:咨询,询问;这里是说:到售票处咨询;request /require:要求;acquire:习得;学习
  2. a 第一空是特指:the news:这个消息;第二空:shock变为具体意义的名词:一件令我震惊的事。
  3. b 句型:it’ll be  时间段before +从句:在……之前将要过多久。
  4. c 在which引导的非限定性定语从句中,先行词the computer做谓语动词get的宾语;going是宾补部分。
  5. d 动词不定式to join做状语,his secretary是逻辑主语,表示他的秘书将在周五与他会合。
  6. a few修饰比较级形式:表示:没有几个比disneyland 更好的度假的地方了。
  7. a so he was 表示"他的确受到警告了"。后面说"但是他不愿意听我的"。
  8. a carried:这里表示:登载;delivered:送货;送(信,报纸); existed:存在
  9. d  who ______ recently come here是定 语从句,句中recently与现在完成时连用,it is required that后面的从句的谓语部分是虚拟结构:should do / should be done ;其中should可以省略。
  10. b something of a manager这里表示泛指:一个经理什么 的。
  11. c take on这里表示:承担;她承担了超出了她能适应的工作。
  12. c live with sth.:与……共存。
  13. d thanks all the same这里表示对上文说的:至少走之前再 喝杯咖啡的婉言谢绝。
  14. a 第一空是句型:when it comes to doing…:当谈 到……时;第二空:not caring…是现在分词做状语。
  15. d _______ have come to ask for the position是定语从句,第二空是强调句的主体部分,由连词that连接。
  第二节 完型填空
  16. a a项是:记忆,回忆, b项:思想,想法,c项:知识;d项:经验。
  17. a 排除b项,因为 belleville是地点,如用where,则引导定语从句,修饰belleville没有必要。c,d两项与全句的时态不符。a项与brought back的时态呼应,when 表示就在那时。
  18. b 因为大家坐在桌旁是等aunt pat端上意大利面条。serve;服务,上菜。
  19. d in those days = in the past a,c两项与原文意思不符。
  20. a 本句and之前的一个并列分句是否定句,所以后面也是一个否定分句。排除b,c答案,neither指"两个人",与前面的all of us矛盾。
  21. b 由于吃意大利面条是一种外来时尚,所以如何吃得体面,文雅涉及到能力问题,在此说:都不擅长。
  22. d 在分享又细又长的意大利面条之前大家很友善地争论如何吃得文雅顺利。
  23. d a项:几乎;b项:自然地;c项:官方地;d项:社交上地,根据上下文:吃这种面条大家都是第一次,又是在人家做 客。当然是社交场合了。
  24. c 作者开始从作文交稿日期临近想到要写作文,看到题目又想到过去做客时吃意大利面条时的场景。这时,他又突然想写一些这方面 的文字。
  25. b 根据上下文,此处是动词"写下,记下"的意思。settle down:安家;后不接宾语;let it down后面要接动词,与全句矛盾,应排 除。
  26. d 此处与"幸运"无关,作者是学生,与"工作"无关,作文还未完成,不可能将自己的事,应排除a,b,c三项。for one’s joy 符合作者的心情。
  27. c 此处意思是:至于他(布置作文的老师),我将另写文章交上去。这样与前面说的"把吃面条的有趣场景写下来只是处于回想起来 觉得有意思。"一致。
  28. a b项:借口;c项:方法;d项:主意;都和the night was half gone不相干,a项在句中表示:没有时间在写老师留的作文了。
  29. c a项:放弃;b项:继续;d项:推迟;与作者第二天交作文无关,c项:上交,符合句义。
  30. b a项:书写;b项;批阅,评分;c项:收集过的;d项:签过字的;老师发下的自然是打了分的作业。
  31. a 考查上下文的逻辑性;老师朗读作者的作文,又是在全班面前,当然要read out loud。注意:publicly很有迷惑性,但它不符合英语的语言逻辑。与to the whole class 相重复。
  32. c a项的内涵太大,与the whole class不相应,b项与后面的内容矛盾,d项与后面"我 尽量克制自己,不表露出我的喜悦之情"矛盾。c项表示:开始有人发笑,后来全班开怀大笑。
  33. d 老师表扬自己作文写得好,当然不能当中喜形于色。
  34. b for在此有"因为"的意思。
  35. d 根据上下文的逻辑性,开始有人发笑,接着全班开怀大笑,作者感到了很纯洁的幸福,因为其文字有魅力使人们发笑。
  36—39 adcb 40—43 dcaa 44—47 cdba 48—50 aba
  51—55 accdb
  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  56.   57. of in 58. speaking speak
  59. after before 60. later late 61. careful carefully
  62. an the 63. 去掉been 64. mistake mistakes
  65. have后加not
  possible versions :
  too many pet dogs will spoil the city life . firstly , they leave their waste about , which makes the streets all the dirty . secondly , some of the bigger and fiercer dogs charge at people and even bite people .that endangers people’s life because they carry deadly diseases sometimes . thirdly , dogs bark a lot and they wake up people early in the morning . a lot of people complain about he noise . so there shouldn’t be too many dogs in the city .
  dogs are people’s friends. firstly , they help us watch our house and make us feel safe . secondly , dog , are loyal to people and they make good friends with people , especially with the elderly . they keep their company so that they don’t feel lonely . thirdly , they help people do man other things , like helping they blind cross the street and helping the police solve problems . why are some people so unfriendly to them ?
